is it cold outside?

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Bruce pov:

It's been 2 days and I'm already a therapist I went to classes for it and now I'm officially a therapist in Japan and man from what their telling me I see why people quit this is traumatizing but I like that I get to help people now they say I make them feel better that's good but today gwenny benny came in she sat on the couch and stared at me I was terrified but I know that robin himself sent her here I wonder what she did I'll ask then she started talking which knocked me out my thoughts but she only said "my mom came to me last night she said she's sorry" I asked for what she then rolled up her selves revealing her fresh self harm scars I was shocked "does Finn know cause I'm guessing robin knows so does your brother know" she shook her head and said "don't tell him cause he does it to along with-" she randomly stopped talking then looked at me I was hoping noone else those it but I was totally wrong she then said "donna and Billy" she started feeling her neck I was to shock to talk she looked at me "don't worry it's only us but watch out for griffin and vance please" she got up and left I feel like I need to go home I told my boss and ran home so much for a good day I unlocked the door and rushed to griffins room he was drawing great ok now vance he was watching... Edits of Michael Afton good ig now finney he was umm how do I say this he was game ragging now donna was braiding amys hair  ok great now Billy my goodness man's was painting robin and last but not least my underrated girly gwen she was actually listening to wine stain by lyrics and cutting I couldn't do nothing but hug her I felt bad for not saying anything that could help her but I asked her why she only said cause I don't want to die but I deserve the pain (>_<) I feel worse I sat down and drew on her arm (que taylor Swift) but I drew our names all of them and told her "if you feel like cutting remember our names are here and it hurts us to now imma go do the same for the others " so I did the same for the others and sat in my room and did the same for me hmm

Gwen pov:

I don't regret telling bruce but I do regret robin finding out he was coming in to ask did want to paint and I was doing it but I didn't even know I was to be honest till he came and put a picture of my mom on my arm not the bloody one which made me look at my other arm and only sighed I feel like I'm doing to much like I'm tryna be ok but I can't yea I'm getting married but no it doesn't make me want to stop cutting but what bruce did yea that help he said he will re-write is everytime I wash so I won't do it I also wonder do he do it to cause he looked like he had made flash backs but I went to his room to ask he said "yea I do and my mom does that for me and it works don't it? " I nodded I layed on his shoulder and silently cried he only said one thing "I know your hurting so I don't mind you crying" (I need someone to say this to me)

Okay so I decided I'm gonna make gwen her usual self but I do feel like she does self harm but hides it but also imma make a happy episode tomorrow kk? Also one more thing listen to either way by ive

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