boom diggy diggy bom bom bom bom

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On the first day of Christmas my mommy gave to me a Bible that's pink \jk

Gwen pov:

Hi I'm Dori ok but when me amy and Finn got to work I didn't expect to see Lizzy there like she was behind us I didn't know she worked here cause she doesn't her sister does and she brought her her clothes to have a photo shoot and it's with me so I changed into pastel purple and white then greeted her and she was so nice I kinda forgot we're not in school anymore and we got to get to work we did a couple of poses and she had a fierce face expression while I had a soft one and that's because she's wearing a dark purple and I'm wearing pastel purple and when we got done Finn had a shoot next and amy had an interview so I just sat there waiting for them then our boss called my name "GWEN WE GOT A PHOTO SHOOT FOR YOU" I was surprised but I'll take it I'm bored and I did enjoy it I had 14 changes so it took like 5 hours and Finn had got done and came my way to watch amy didn't get done till 2 hours later(I'm lazy today srry ) we ate some food there and went to watch robin and vance they spotted us in the three chairs that was in front of the ring and then bruce and griffin joined *amy texted bruce & gwen texted griffin* bruce looked worried so amy called him outside so they could talk.

Amy pov:

"Bro bruce wassup what's wrong you looked troubled" I said as soon as we got outside he just stared he was mad at me I kinda wanna know why "your the reason why I'm troubled did you know that Billy use to be teayas crush" I knew this was about that night when I almost spilled to much info "yea ik why? " he looked at me and I never saw him this mad "well he knows he put the pieces together and I know it's not a big deal but now he feels bad and won't stop blaming himself for not being smart enough" I'm shocked I didn't think he'll find out but he's a determined detective so I kinda feel stupid and I'm sure gwen thinks so to cause she was staring at me and if eyes could kill I'll be dead she came toward me and sent bruce back inside "amy you almost told him and beside that he knows what was you thinking" but the truth is I wasn't sure what I was thinking "I don't know I had just found out that night sorry though" she then looked behind me shocked I turned and boom Billy and Donna's there (this is getting good) Donna wasn't shocked and Billy was he rushed up to me and said "that's what you meant by she did deliver it isn't it" Donna smiled "no duh bird brain what I tell you u now owe me 20 dollars pay up" he gave her the money and whispered to me & gwen that she already knew teaya just wanted them to be together cause she knew Billy and her liked each other I hugged her and that when the boys came out so we headed home

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