im alive?

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Teaya pov:

I'm happy I'm 17 now but I can't wait for these two years to go past since Im guessing robins last to came since u know Vance amy bruce donna then Billy then gwen and finney then my cousin I'm hoping that's how it goes cause I miss them dearly hmm I wonder what will happen if I go back down there I was lost in thought til donna called me  I ran out the room and they told me they now knew my gift it was writing since everything I write seems to come to past I find it funny how they knew that hmmm ohh I'll ask them "ay bruce how y'all know my gift?" "Well we went through your note books sorry" tbh I wasn't surprised I knew they did but ok hmm I went for a walk later that day and boy was it hot I was wearing a blue long sleeve shirt black overall and some black and blue Jordan's it was cute donna picked it out ik but it's cute right? 🔪 I walked past a hospital and a rehab and boy I was nervous cause they called me over and my heart was ba bom but I walked over and they said hello are you 16 I was like naur I'm 17 and they said ok I was think why and what was they gonna do if I was 16 kill meh lock meh up idkkkkkk

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