model day (happy chapter)

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Donna pov:

So today I decided since I'm a nurse I should book a photo shoot I got the money for it so I called the agency that already has amy and gwen in it so i called the number and they said it'll be fine since they already know my sisters (amy & gwen) I love that they think their my sisters but I told the rest of the ghosts and toasts but they all got ready like gwen was dripped out ngl she was wear all white well we all was but any who (outfit time next chapter) they got in the car they was just laughing and talking about how cute gwen and griffin pictures are gonna be but the part that made me smile is that robin had a picture of teaya wearing all white I wanted to ask when she took that but we already here at the agency so I just kept quiet I got them out the car and I let gwen and amy lead the way they probably don't know but they was model walking and what made it look like they was doing it on purpose was the fact the was holding hands and their outfits was matching besides the fact that they're both wearing white but let's see those pictures(bump it this chapter)



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