oh right...

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Billy(depressed dude) pov:

It's now 3am and I'm just thinking about what I heard amy said about how teaya felt and wow I'm still confused about  what she meant cause I only heard that she pushed her feelings away cause I liked donna but the fact that donna knew and still got with me is more concerning then tea's feelings alone I have so many questions  I started to go to sleep but then someone call my name I got up I was scared but it was just teaya she was just staring I just layed down until she said something "you know don't you?" I nodded and she sighed softly "okay then y'all don't need me any more then cause I didn't rest in peace yet so imma go now i did what I had to do " then she left I wish I didn't hesr amy now but then again she did rest in peace yet until now that is hmm. I wonder did vance talk to her

Vance(pretty boy) pov:

I woke up to a loud crash and yet it was amy and gwen "what are y'all doing at 6am moving chairs is movie night tomorrow?" I said honestly confused "yes but we're gonna watch all of our fav movies so it's gonna be nine hours of movies so wear something comfortable please me and amy is gonna get the snacks after work so have fun go to sleep we gotta finish" gwen said I'm kinda surprise they think I can go back to sleep when it 6:39 I have to go to work at 7:30 well we all do but ay so it quickly turned 7 so I got everyone up so we could go Early cause we need snacks anyway but gwen amy and Finn can't eat much so ughhh I have to get healthy gummy bears and worms so I went to get dressed and gwen yelled "all of you humans wear green we never wear green" so I picked a green outfit (next chapter )

Make Believe Trauma pt2Where stories live. Discover now