let me buy u a drink(wit rizz)

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Amy pov: after movie night that ended at 4 am me and gwen realized we all have work in the morning we said it at the same time then I felt a person looking at me I looked back but no one was there but when I look at Billy teaya was pointing at him while mouthing help him pray for him I went to him to do what she said and he let me it's funny cause we don't really talk but him and teaya was close I asked him about her cause everyone else was washing up(I'mma show y'all the house cause I'm even confused on how rich they are at this point) he told about how she was when she was younger and the letter he found he said he felt bad cause she didn't get to send it but then she whispered she did when he read it I was shocked I started laughing she dead but still rizzing people up I didn't say what she said but looked at him and said she did  he looked at me confused he was about to say something but Bruce came and got me and then stayed in there with Billy

Bruce pov:

I heard their conversation but I didn't interrupted till she was bout to tell him about teaya's crush because um he likes Donna still and teaya knew this but just wrote that cause she knew she was gonna die but also it was only because she wrote that they'll see each other again he saw the letter (dang I'm shocked and I'm writing it) I asked him about how he feels now that it's been two weeks since her death he just stared but behind me I look back but saw nothing but he was still staring I know that he sees someone but who is my question (the plot thickens)  he said to words auntie mill and I'm confused how many dead people gonna pop up this month but I held my patience and comfort him he cried in my arms I looked up teaya was staring at him crying I wonder how would things play out if she was alive would he still see auntie mill ←she's called that because she was rich her name is britney but anyway she just walk around the bed to sit on the chair he sat on in her room when she died and said I heard her clearly "save him cause you couldn't save me keep your eye on him the devil wants him cause he's powerful please just save him for me that's my birthday wish I already blew out my candles so pray for him and everyone else keep him in church pls for me for God" I nodded and looked back at him his protected by God and I love that cause it makes my job less harder so I closed my eyes and prayed for everyone like teaya told me too.

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