7 rings 💍💍💍💍💍💍💍

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Gwenny poo:

BILLY! I yell from the top of my lungs he ran from up stairs and fell with griffin helping him up he was worried "what gwen who died? " he said I just laughed "no one I just want to know do we get a black or white Christmas tree I think black with white decorations hmm? " I said picturing how it will look like he just stared while saying "yea I like ur idea let's do that I'll get the lights for the house " I smiled I'm happy someone agrees with me even though I only asked him but I did that cause he has ocd and I don't want it to be off point yk so I went and got amy and Robin up and went to target and brought Griffin along we got food and decor (next chapter) I got started when Billy pulled up he had the art stuff yes it's November but gurl I'm not bouta wait till Dec to do this so here go we spent 15 hours on one freaking house like bro I told the we shouldn't have gotten an mansion so I just looked at the Jesus poster and smiled (I've been currently learning the ten Commandments ) so I walked to the cheese bar that we just got and got a slice of cheese we were waiting for Bruce Vance Finn & Donna to come home to put some cookies on for the neighborhood cause all of them (but Vance) wanted to so we put them on then they magically appeared in the kitchen so I just let them do their thing so kis kis buh bye

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