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Its September the first a new month do that mean new people

Amy pov:

It was like around 3:50 and me and gwen was walking to the agency to do our fall photo shoot and a beautiful lady walked up to us and asked for our autograph she had our family photo shoot and not many people had those so I signed it and gwen signed it and we bowed and walked away and also we're wearing light brown (yk outfit time next chapter) and umm when we got there Finn was there we was surprised but greeted everyone in Japanese oh yea for two years of learning their fluent me and bruce already knew Japanese so we sit our things down and they told us Finn is apart of our agency I was happy I finally can talk to both of them in English but we did our photo shoot and ate then went and got bruce then got donna from the hospital (she's doctor) got robin and vance from their boxing practice then got griffin from they childs clinic (he helps kids)
The got Billy from the police department (he's detective ) and we went home took a nap and then went out to eat me and gwen was wearing our same clothes but everyone else they changed and we went to eat got done and went to a convenient store tomorrow was a anime convention and ik griffin and gwen wants to go so I'll go with them but if they cosplay imma need them tell me so I can cosplay to so yea

Gwen pov:

At the convenient store I saw so nezuko snacks and got them they match my peached colored room so I got it went over to vance and took one of his snacks he already brought and ate it. It was lemon I love lemon so I got me some as well and we left

Make Believe Trauma pt2Where stories live. Discover now