all about timing

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Rip juice world

Amy pov:

It's only been two days since the wedding and I already want gwen to come back from her honey moon but she's coming back tomorrow so I'll wait and if you think getting married at 19 is wrong most Christians do so it's normal for her but let me tell you how he proposed so like me and vance was watching them at the park it was a beautiful one obviously it's Japan so gwen was getting them snacks and griffin put on new jeans just because he likes it she personally likes skz (g)-idle and ado (jpop) he likes new jeans yosabi(jpop) and itzy (he got taste) they like more but back to the story so she got the snacks and he had sakura flowers and a skz album and she looked saur confused but I made noise so she'll look our way and when she did he got on one knee popped that question she obviously said yes even though she was so happy she snatched that album and hugged him and then she looked in the bush I was in cause vance was looking in the bush across from me and she started laughing and waved the album in my face I ran after her and told her to get me a p1harmony and txt album she ran to the little center where random dances be happening it was one going on so she danced to it. It was ringo itzy.

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