girl that party was so lit last night

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Amy(nosy gurl) pov:

It's now night time and we're watching movies while wearing random pj's and tomorrow is my birthday so we're going out to eat yes I'm just now 19 but I'm so excited to dress up( this chapter is short no this is not it but I'm saying that next chapter is gonna be longer kk so my bad the chapter after next lol?) So we're going to the hello kitty store and I have an unlimited budget (cuz I'm rich) so imma get a lot of stuff for my room and teayas grave but back to the movie night vance started crying at the movie the good dinosaur along with robin while bruce patted his head and finney hugged robin gwen was just laughing at griffin and Billy having a mental breakdown while Donna was just making vance and robin cry worse and this is how "did y'all know the boy was gonna die in the beginning and the dinosaur was post to commit suicide♡" I just stared in shocked gwen just hugged griffin and Billy trying to calm them down and finney and bruce just looked at each other and said "go get some help" which is what bruce said " yeah bruce a therapist just talk to him ok.. " finney said still shocked vance was still crying cause the boy was lost(it's been a long time since I watched this don't blame me ok...)

Gwen(the baddest of all baddies) :

I was just looking at the movie while comforting Billy and griffin cause the movie made them so said I suggested not to watch it but nah their buttholes
So I let them watch it and that's how we're here in this emotional support place after the movie we watch the game plan cause it's teayas fav and non of us had dreams visions nor heard anything about her at all so we decided to watch this and I loved it and I put pieces together before the movie her fav actors is the rock & Kevin and her fav actress are I can't think of her name but she's a powerful woman men can't stare her in eyes yea.. Angelina

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