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Robin pov:

I read the text silently and then out loud it said "robin I found her but I don't think she's ok shes half way dead I can't look at her without wishing it was me who took this beating she has multiple stab wounds
In her arm I'm on my way to donna now since she doesn't like hospital's I'll call you there" I broke down who could have done this when I looked up all I saw was tears I wanted to comfort them I'm not in the mental state to do that I went to the bathroom to look at myself so I could know if my eyes were red or not I knew that tonight I was going to have a mental breakdown but I don't mind it's ok

Finney pov:

I looked at robin wondering how he feels that his closest thing to a sister is dying I know he's mad I can tell I'm mad to I bearly talk to tea but she's lovely and a very religious girly so she's gonna pray in the middle of my thoughts robins phone rang I answered "she's gonna make she's in a coma if we don't treat her she won't live I know your plan but come down here " all I could think is what plan is it the reason we're in Denver and she's in Japan I had questions then gwen came with answers I know she heard the phone call I put it on speaker robin came out the bathroom and took the phone next thing I know we're in Japan it's now August teas still sleeping I'll like to say it's been 2 years she's 19 now today's her birthday I wish she was awake so I could give her her gift it's a a new phone since hers got ruined she still looks happy shes been smiling since we got here I know there's a 50\50 chance of her survival  but I'm still worried I still have no idea what robins plan was and why we were in Denver for so long I felt left out.

Griffin pov:

Its August the 25th and I only wondered what was going through finney's head he was quiet for a long time I felt worried so I asked him how he met teaya he looked he seemed excited to answer he said she was five when they met and came running to robin she was very quiet but very chaotic I understood that he started crying I wanted to as well then gwen came in and sat next to me and put something in teayas hand

Make Believe Trauma pt2Where stories live. Discover now