Chapter 3

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This chapter picks up exactly where the last one ended, it was too long to keep as just one chapter

"Alright class, I'm Mr.Hart, most of you have probably had me as a teacher before, this is Biology 101, so you should all be juniors. I'll start with attendance, go over the boring first-day stuff and then we'll get into the first assignment" A few groans are heard at the word assignment

He rummages through some papers on his desk before getting the attendance sheet. I'm only halfway listening, waiting for my name "...Julia Bennet..." I snicker knowing Jules hates being called Julia, and as if on cue she pipes up "It's Jules" She says it in such a snarky voice I can't help but roll my eyes.

Mr.Hart is already making a note of it on his paper but she continues "It has been for years" her voice is so high pitched that "years" comes out with a squeak. I hear Leo snort beside me, and when I turn to him he gives me a slight smirk that I return with a small smile. Who would've known Leo could do anything that resembles a smile or laugh?

He finishes taking attendance, and skims through the first-day stuff, fire drills, lockdowns, when assignments are due, all the boring stuff, then lets us know the seat we chose will be our assigned seats. I expect Leo to maybe frown or seem slightly unhappy with that, but he doesn't seem to care. Mr.Hart gives us our first assignment- to talk to our partners for the rest of class (only 10 minutes) and write down 5 facts about them and hand them in at the end of class

I turn to him, and he doesn't even look up. I'm about to start listing 5 boring facts about me so he can just write them down and not have to talk with me if he doesn't want to, but he speaks up, keeping his eye on his notebook. "Favorite drink?" I quickly debate if he means alcohol or a normal drink but I go with normal "Iced Chai" he nods as if approving my choice. "What's yours?" He looks up for the first time

"I feel like that's cheating, copying my questions" he smirks "Fine, favorite color?" he shakes his head "So boring" I tilt my head "You asked favorite drink, it's pretty much the same thing" He lets a small smile slip and sighs in defeat "green"

We each asked each other 4 more questions, no more banter, smirks, or smiles, he went back to being monotone, and as soon as we finish our 5 questions he starts to scribble in his notebook again until the bell rings. I walk out of the classroom, handing in my paper as I pass Mr.Hart

Scarlett Hayes

5 facts about Leo

-His favorite color is Green

-He is an only child

-His least favorite food is Rice Pudding

-He hates skiing

-His favorite breakfast food is hash browns

I debate going to the cafeteria but I decide to just head to the library. I want to finish my book anyway. I read a few chapters while eating the pb&j and fruit my dad packed, every year for the first day of school he sends us pb&j cut in shapes, this year it's stars. The warning bell rings and I quickly pack up, only 2 classes left. History went fine, we have assigned seats but it's single desks, so it doesn't really matter. Math is my last class. When I walk in I see Tommy and Zeke, 2 of my brother's best friends, I let out an invisible sigh when I see them, and I walk over to them, they're sat together, the desks in groups of 2.

Don't get me wrong Zeke and Tommy are great guys, but my brother never really lets me join them, so our interactions are very limited, and in the nicest way possible, Tommy is kind of a complete idiot, a hilarious one, but an idiot. He barely does any homework and never takes any seriously, he's definitely funny and a good guy, just someone who would drain my social battery extremely quickly if I were friends with him.

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