Chapter 12

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It's about 11 when me and Leo both finish getting ready, luckily the weather is a little cooler, so I can get away with wearing jeans. "Okay so we need to go get Noah and his friends at 1, do you need to go to any stores to get anything? I'm sure Noah wouldn't mind lending you some clothes until you can get yours" Leo ponders for a minute "Actually, we could stop by my dad's house, maybe? Ryan was gonna go back to college and my dad won't be home today, I could run in and grab some clothes" I nod "Yeah, that's fine, as long as it's safe, I don't want you getting hurt again"

It's 11:45 when we pull up at Leo's dad's, and after staking it out for a few minutes we both head in, his house is nice, small but modern, still cozy. His room is about what you'd expect from a teenager, white walls, navy accents, posters here and there, and things thrown around from the fight yesterday.

I help him fill a duffle bag with clothes, schoolwork, and toiletries, being as quick as we can. Before we leave he runs back to his room, grabbing a gold ring, a snake carved into the band. I've never seen anything like it. He notices me staring, "My mom gave it to me a few years ago, I almost always wear it." I nod, before rushing back to my mom's car, which we had to take instead of mine because there are 2 rows of back seats so it could fit us all.

We decide to run into Trader Joe's, I need to pick a few things up for my mom, and Leo is happy to come along. He seems different today, happier. I don't want to mention it because I didn't want to ruin his happiness. We spent longer than needed in the store, joking around, talking about work and school, trying to avoid any family topics.

We leave to go to Tommys which is about 20 minutes away. I decide to put on music, Taylor Swift of course, and it turns out Leo loves folklore too, so we sang along together for a little while until he stopped, "Thank you Scar" I tilt my head in confusion, turning the volume down. "For what?" he snorts "For what? you picked me up while I was crying, you're letting me stay in your house, I mean you made us breakfast and I mean we've only known each other a week and you didn't act like it was weird or question why I called you"

I laugh "Leo, we're friends, you called, I came, and I didn't act like it was weird because, to me, it wasn't." he sighs "I guess I'm just not used to it, since I moved her a few years ago I haven't had any friends until Atlas and then you"

I let out a laugh, "I've always just had Delilah, She's in Spain for a year, and when she's home she's busy a lot of the time, so I haven't had many friends either, so I guess I could be wrong, maybe it isn't what friends do, but it's what I do."

He just smiles at me, we don't need words to know what we're thinking, happiness, relief we have someone, and relief that his staying here won't be awkward, it'll just bring us closer. I think holding someone in your arms while they're crying, and you're crying kind of bonds 2 people.

When were a few minutes away from Tommy's when I turn the music down again, Leo looks at me expectantly "Just a fair warning, Noah can be an asshole, mainly just to me though, he ignores Delilah most of the time, so he'll either do that or try and get you to join his friends." I pause taking a breath, " Tommy will most definitely try and rope you into an extremely dumb debate. Oh and only Noah knows I'm bi, so don't mention it in front of his friends."

I glance at him, which makes him burst into laughter "Okay got it, you know them pretty well I guess" I roll my eyes "Too well, I never really hang out with them, Noah makes sure of it, but they're at my house 24/7."

We pull up and they all come out, hoping in the back, Tommy and Zeke are in the middle of a conversation, but both briefly stop to say hi to me and pause when they notice Leo, Noah, and Max do the same, "This is Leo, Leo that's max, Tommy and Zeke" I point to each one, each of them saying hi, Leo saying it back.

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