Chapter 9

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I sit the box of cupcakes down in front of my family, whom I've gathered at the kitchen island by saying I had something important to tell them. Noah rolled his eyes assuming it was gonna be something dumb, but my parents were worried, everyone getting to the kitchen quick. I didn't think this through, like at all and now I'm standing here trembling, choking on my own words, hoping one of them would notice the colors before I had to speak.

I look up, them all staring at me. My mom notices me shaking "Scarlett, what is it?" I swallow hard "I-I'm" out of the corner of my eye I notice Noah's eyes flickering, between me and the cupcakes, his eyes slightly widened, as he realizes. He knows. No backing out now.

I don't expect what happens next, Noah looks me in the eyes, and smiles, he nods, telling me it's okay to say it. I knew he would be supportive but actually seeing this, is surreal. I smile, his nod giving me the courage I need.

"I'm Bi."

I close my eyes, not because I'm scared of their reaction, not because I think they'll hate me, I know they'll support me, I know they support the community, I've seen my mom, who never swears, yell "Fuck off" to homophobic protesters. I close my eyes, because when I open them, it'll be the first time my parents see the real me.

I take a deep breath, then open my eyes slowly. I'm met with 3 giant grins."Aww baby come here" my mom pulls me into a bear hug, my dad wrapping around the other side "Scarlett, you know we love you no matter what, okay? This doesn't change anything. Thank you for telling us." As soon as he stops talking I start crying, hard, hyperventilating a little, a sensation uncomfortably similar to my panic attacks, although it's out of pure relief, a weight off my shoulders, I'm no longer the only soldier in this battle. Nonetheless my parents catch on to my panic attack-like symptoms quickly, pulling me tighter.

This results in my brother joining the hug, yet again unexpected, he hates hugs. Noah's head is next to my shoulder "It's okay, we love you, you're okay" he says it so quietly I barely hear it. We stay like this for almost 10 minutes. Until I take a deep breath, no longer crying, all I'm left with is a grin.

I did it. I'm out.

After everyone has stepped away I speak up quickly, remembering the very important fact- I don't want to be out to the whole world yet. "I um I'm still not ready to be out yet, there's still so much hate in the world, and for a little while I just want to be out to you guys, so please don't tell anyone, okay?" They all nod.

I turn to Noah "I know you tell Zeke, Max and Tommy everything, but I need you to make sure you don't let it slip." I pause, hoping I didn't hurt his feelings before I add "I trust you completely, it's just, I'm-I'm really scared about it somehow getting out" He nods, his face is full of understanding, not a glimpse of hurt. "Of course, you tell them when you're comfortable. Whenever that is." I nod and glance at my parents, waiting for their response to my request

My mom still has tears in her eyes from when she hugged me "Of course sweetie, you don't have to tell anyone until you want to, okay?" I nod and before I can say thank you Noah coughs, making us look up at him "Like I hate to ruin this moment" he gestures to all of us "but can I eat the cupcake now?" I laugh, "yes you can eat one" we all chuckle and grab a cupcake. I hear Noah point out the color of the frosting is the bi flag colors, but it's slightly incoherent, due to the entire cupcake he's shoved in his mouth. I swear he could eat a whole pizza in 30 seconds.

After we finish, Noah glances up at me, dropping his jaw slightly, his head tilting back, rolling his eyes, and letting out a scoff as if he's just realized the whole world is ending. "Does this mean we're gonna have to fight over girls?" Everyone laughs "We all know who they'd pick" I wink at him, causing Noah to gasp dramatically, pretending he's hurt, my dad turning to me, his hand out for a high five "That's my girl" I can't help but grin.

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