Chapter 6

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I hear the familiar chime of the door as I walk into Starlight cafe. Like always I'm hit with the smell of coffee and freshly baked cookies. I inhale deeply, taking in the sense of familiarity, smiling at customers I pass on my way to the counter. Letting my smile grow when I make eye contact with Shelly, who is helping a customer at the moment. I quickly slip behind the counter and head into the empty kitchen, dropping my backpack on a stool. I've missed being here, it's kind of like a second home.

I wait in the kitchen for Shelly to meet me and let me know where she needs my help. While I wait I make a mental note of any homework I have. Since it's only the third day of school the only work I have is a calculus worksheet.

School is going better than I expected, not that it's great, but I was expecting to dread going each day since my only friend is in another country, but I actually don't mind it. It is a bit boring, I sit by myself in 5/6 classes, and go to the library during lunch, so it is lonely, but I'm content with the silence. Leo was on time to class today, and even smiled at a stupid joke I made. The rest of biology was a lecture so we didn't talk much, but we did make a few jokes and some small talk.

After Shelly finishes with a customer I hear the cashier drawer click closed, and I glance up at her as she approaches the counter I'm sitting at. She has a huge grin on her face which makes a small smile appear on my lips. "Scarlett! I've missed you!" she pulls me into a hug and I let out a chuckle "I've missed you too."

"I made the cookies already, I was going to start on the cupcakes next, would you prefer to work at the register and make drinks or do you want to make the cupcakes?" I ponder for a minute, before deciding that I don't have a preference "I like doing either one," I pause briefly before adding on"I'll take whichever you don't want." She gives me an appreciative smile, "alright, I'll start on the cupcakes, I could use a break from that coffee machine," she sighs, a small laugh escaping her lips.

"Plus you have such a cute outfit, I wouldn't want you to ruin it with cocoa powder." She winks, "that was only one time!" she shakes her head "yeah one time, but you came in with a white shirt and you left with a brown one." We both giggle remembering the cocoa powder mishap.

I glance down at my outfit, remembering her compliment. I'm wearing denim shorts, a black tank top and a crochet sweater I made. It's a mesh sweater, almost like a swimsuit coverup, with black hightop converse. It always makes my heart so happy when people compliment my outfits, especially when it's something I've made. I make a mental note in my mind to start crocheting again, since it's been a while.

I head to the sink to wash my hands before going back out the counter. It's not long before a customer comes in, I take their order, making them an iced caramel latte. I continue serving customers for 4 hours, the clock reading 6:30 when I finally flip the sign on the door to say closed. I only took one break, making Shelly her favorite, an iced lavender latte, since I noticed her cup was almost empty when I arrived.

I also made myself an iced chai. That's the only bad part of working here, I'm surrounded by amazing baked goods and drinks. All I want to do is enjoy them, but I can't. Most days I work here I either allow myself 1 baked good, as long as the only other thing I eat that day is a small serving of fruit or vegetables. Or 1 drink, cutting whatever 1 meal I choose to eat that day in half, meaning when I get home I can eat for the first time today, but only half a serving of what I normally allow myself.

I wipe down the espresso machine, before moving to the counters and tables. It's 6:48 when I finish. I'm scheduled to work until 7, so I head to the kitchen to see if Shelly needs any help before I go. When I walk into the kitchen I find Shelly sitting at a barstool at the counter, scribbling on a piece of paper.

"Hey, I finished cleaning up, can I help with anything?" she glances up, slightly startled at my voice, she had been in the zone and didn't hear me approach. "Sorry, I'm just trying to figure out the different colors of frosting I need and how much of each color I need. If I knew baking involved math I would've picked a different career." She lets out an exhausted laugh. I pull up a barstool next to her and sit down with a smile "I'm pretty good at math, maybe I can help"

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