Chapter 24

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"Scar are you crying?" 

I slap Leo on the wrist "Shut up I told you I cry at this movie" he chuckles and looks at Ben "Oh you've got to be kidding me, Milo, they're both crying" he complains jokingly.

"Shut up, it's like 2 tears" I say defensively, but also truthfully.

Milo and Leo share a small chuckle, Ben and I share a look, rolling our eyes "It's a sad movie!" Ben says "fair enough" Milo responds and we return to watching the rest of Perks of Being a wallflower. It's one of my favorite movies, but I always shed few tears no matter how many times I watch it. Leo may complain but he actually ended up loving it.

We watch The notebook next, apparently everyone but me has seen it, and I have to admit, It's pretty good. As the credits start to roll I look over at Leo who has the remote, but I find Leo and Ben both asleep, Ben curled into Leo, looking terribly adorable.

I look up at Milo who's also looking down at them with a smile. "I hate how cute they are." Milo says adoringly, "Annoyingly adorable"I agree. We pause for a moment, neither of us really knowing what to say, not wanting to go to sleep, but also not wanting to wake them up.

 "I'm gonna wash these" I nod towards the various snack bowls on the coffee table " Wanna come with me and we can hang out in the kitchen or my room so we don't wake them up?" Shit did saying my room seem weird? It's not like I meant something weird, its just the kitchen is open concept and I don't want to wake them up-

Milo interrupts my thought, with a grin "Yeah" he picks up the bowls and I grab the rest and we head to the kitchen, "How was your first time watching the notebook?" he asks jokingly, the 3 of them have been mocking me for never watching it all night. I start rinsing the bowls, but pause looking up at him with a smile "I honestly can't believe I haven't watched it before" he smiles before putting the bowls in the dishwasher.

I sigh, not knowing what to say next "Want to go to your room?" he pauses before adding "so we dont wake them up, Ben's a light sleeper" turning my head slightly and smiling I respond "uh yeah let's go" and lead the way.


"You've really read all of these?" Is the first thing he asks when we enter my room, while he glances at my bookshelf. "Almost, probably about 5 left to read" I say with a laugh, he goes through the shelf looking at them, and we spend the next 30 minutes talking about books.

"Is this Delilah?" He asks, pointing to a picture frame on the windowsill.

Somehow we'e ended up moving from standing by the bookshelf to sitting on some floor pillows in my reading nook.

I nod, "Yeah, that was when she said goodbye before leaving for Spain, hence the sad faces" I chuckle.

"How long have you guys been friends?" his lips turn upwards as he asks.

I let my face morph into a close lipped smile "Uh we met in preschool we've been best friends ever since." He smiles at this, a warm and comforting one. The kind that makes my heart swell little. Which is unfortunate considering I don't think this crush would ever work out, I mean I doubt he'd ever feel the same way. Plus I just got a friend group, I don't want to risk fucking it up.

I tuck my hair behind my ears, getting annoyed with how often it keeps falling in my face. "How about you and Ben? How long have you guys been friends" His smiles grows when I ask.

"Pretty much forever, our parents met in a birthing class, so they were friends before we were born" He tugs at the woven poof he's sitting on, readjusting after he reaches to grab his water.

I let out an aww, before replying "Thats actually really sweet, have you always been so close?" he instantly nods "Yeah, we've always been super close, we both have gotten picked on so we kind of just stuck with only really being friends with each other, until now" he says, a small smile but also a sadness when he speaks about getting picked on.

"That sucks you guys got picked on, but I'm glad you at least had each other" he nods "Thats why I was a little harsh when you were helping him pick up his stuff, almost no one has ever helped him so I just assumed the worst" I smile and nod "Don't worry about it, I get it. I guess most people are real assholes." He snorts


"Really?" He asks with a laugh "Yeah, he genuinely thought eating breakfast foods after 8am was illegal until he was 11, it was hilarious, on weekends he'd set an alarm for 7:50 just so he wouldn't miss it." I respond, sharing one of the many hilarious stories I have about Noah. He laughs and tells me some of his embarrassing childhood stories, like the time Ben pants him in a grocery store when they were 8. Or the time their families went to the beach and he convinced Ben that there was a new species of sharks that were completely invisible, so he was terrified to go in the water the rest of the trip. The 2 of them really grew up as almost brothers. After an hour of stories we decide to head to bed, since its 2am. Milo sleeps on the big sectional, Ben and Leo curled up in the corner, and I take our other couch.

Tonight was so refreshing. The games, the movies, the talking and getting to know Milo, and even Leo finding out my secret was a weight off my shoulders. I fall asleep happy, planning breakfast, pancakes or waffles, like we talked about.


Milo's POV

The smell I wake up to is wonderful, pancakes cooking. I stretch before checking the time 9am, and glance around the room, Scarlett no longer on her couch, Ben and Leo still sound asleep.

Last night comes back to me, the moment during twister, and the hours me and Scarlett spent talking, it just felt so easy, like us sharing childhood memories and laughing is the most natural thing ever. And her laugh, the way her whole face lights up, and the pain in her eyes disappearing.

I stand up, walking over to the kitchen, Scarlett looks up and grins when she hears me walking over. I can tell she already showered, her hair still slightly damp, dressed comfily, black pajama pants and a band shirt on. She looks tired, but there's a twinkle to her eye. And her smile is contagious, I feel my lips tug upwards, forming an even bigger grin than the one lining her face.

"Good morning" I say groggily "morning" she sats with a smile, going back to pouring batter onto a pan. "Waffles or pancakes for you?" She asks, "Waffles please" She nods

"Plain, chocolate chip, blueberries or something else?" I chuckle, only she wold have all the options "Chocolate chips" I pause, looking at her for a moment, she really is beautiful , the way the sun is shining on her hair, making it look lighter, and the way her face beams whenever she smiles a real smile. "Can I help?" She shakes her head "No, I'm okay, what about Ben? Waffles or pancakes?" I reply instantly, "Chocolate chip Pancakes, they've always been his favorite, we used to fight about who was right and who was wrong" she laughs "Of course you did" I chuckle, sliding into a seat at the island, "I'm not sure which Leo likes though" I add. sheaves her hand in dismissal "dont worry, I know his favorite is waffles too"

I nod, "Oh right, I forgot he stayed here for a bit" I say, recalling when we first met he was living here too. She nods, smiling "Yeah, we had waffles most mornings" she says as she spins around to face the waffle maker, pouring batter onto it and adding chocolate chips.

I hear a grumble from the couch, and turn around to a sleepy Ben and Leo, awake, who start walking over. "You're the best" Leo says when he sees the waffles. "Okay, chocolate chip waffles for Leo and Milo", she says, sliding full plates to eat of us, and then turning to ben with his plate. "Chocolate chip pancakes for you" I watch and laugh as bens face quite bitterly lights up like a little kid, Leo having the same reaction as we share a little laugh.

I make a note that Scarlett has a chocolate chip pancake and waffle, supposedly she likes them both equally. We all our breakfasts, which are as always delicious, I mean seriously I'm convinced Scarlett's a cooking wizard. We clean up and then the 4 of us spend the next 2 hours just joking and talking before I have to head out, so I can shower and get to work, we say our goodbyes and drop Ben and Leo off at their houses.

Throughout my shift, I find myself making a list in my mind of books to recommend to Scarlett. And I go to sleep excited for school, knowing I'll see her there.

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