Chapter 19

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"See you later sweetie!" My mom shouts, my dad mumbling the same thing before they head out, leaving me alone at the kitchen island. I check the time again, 9:30 a.m. Noah and Leo are still sleeping, so I decide to make them pancakes. Leo got back here around 8 last night, we did our homework and hung out for a while, going to be a little early, us both exhausted. We don't need to leave for bowling until 1:30, but I've already showered, and called Delilah, not much else to do to pass the time, so I figured cooking would be good, plus, then I can pretend I already ate. I make the batter and grab the chocolate chips.

After I've gone through about half the batter Leo comes down with a smile, which I return sliding a plate of pancakes and the syrup bottle towards him. "Thank you, these look so good" I smile and nod, and we chat while he eats, and I finish cooking the rest of them. Noah joins us after a while, leaving around 11 to go to Tommy's. I help Leo pack up since he's going back home today and then leave him to shower as I get ready.


"Hey! how are you doing?" Ben asks as he gets in the car "I'm okay, you?" I ask, glancing in the rearview at him before reversing out of his driveway. "I'm doing okay, school has gone surprisingly better than expected." We chat about school for a minute, pulling into Milo's driveway.

"Oh and I'm planning on coming out to my parents next week," he says with a smile as Milo hops in next to him. Me and Milo both turn to face him "You are?" he asks, I smile "That's great" Ben nods "Yeah I'm excited but also nervous, I don't know what to expect" Leo turns around to face him now too "It probably doesn't help that the only other person you know who's come out, had a bad experience" he says, making Ben laugh, "yeah probably not. I don't know, I wish I had someone who came out to parents similar to mine that I could talk to" he says, I quickly ask "what do you mean?" he shrugs "I don't know, maybe it's dumb, but I'm terrified to come out to them even though I know they'll be supportive. I feel like it's stupid to worry about it knowing it'll go okay, I feel like I'm the only person to feel that way."

Without thinking I instantly blurt out "I get that, I felt the same way." Leo whips his head towards me, his eyes wide at the fact I essentially just came out. I start to tilt my head before my eyes widen when I realize what I just did. I didn't mean to say that, I didn't mean to, it just came out. God damn it, I've come out by accident twice now. I glance to the back, Ben and Milo's eyes are both flicking between Leo and I trying to decipher the silent conversation we just had.

I swallow "Uh shit, I didn't mean to just come out" Ben's face drops slightly in empathy, Milo's dropping as well, for empathy too, but there's something else in his eyes, disappointment? no, that's not right. I'm not sure what his face is saying. 

"Um if you guys would not tell anyone that would be great, only my parents, my best friend Delilah, Noah and Leo know, and now you guys too." I pause before adding "I'm Bi" Leo gives me a gentle squeeze on the shoulder. Milo's eyes flicker, I'm not with what, and I don't have time to figure it out before Ben speaks up "Don't worry, we're the best people to accidentally come out to." He smiles "We won't tell anyone, and also congrats on telling us" I smile back, and Milo smiles "Yeah, we won't tell anyone, how long ago did you come out?" I glance at Leo and we both let out a small chuckle.

 "Sorry this is just the second time I've come out to someone by accident" Ben and Milo smile in amusement "Wait really?" I nod, Yeah I accidentally came out to Leo" I turn to Milo "and just a little over a week okay" Ben raises his eyes "wow thats recently" I nod, "But my best friend Delilah has known for a few years" I pull out of Milo's driveway, "how did you come out to Leo?"Milo asks, I chuckle, and tell the story, Leo adding on. After I finish, I switch to talking about how it was with my parents, and reassuring Ben he's not alone in that feeling. He asks how I knew and a few other questions.

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