Chapter 26

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My mind isn't playing nice tonight. Noah left at 7, to help Zeke set up his house for the party. It's 8:15 now, and I'm staring in the mirror, tugging on my skin, begging it to morph into what I want. I've gained weight since last weekend, when I started eating again, and its making me incredibly insecure. 

I curled my hair loosely, enhancing the layers I have, and shaping my curtain bangs to frame my face, it pretty much looks the same as normal, just a bit more put together. I kept my makeup super natural, my daily routine but added some eyeliner on my waterline and lash line. I feel prettier than normal, but still extremely insecure, especially because I cant find any cute outfits that also cover me up enough. It's not like I'm trying to impress anyone, I just want to fit in enough that nobody stops to winder why I'm there.

Fuck I guess this'll work, I decide, landing on a pair of straight leg jeans and a tight black long sleeve shirt, with a scoop neckline, showing off a little cleavage, but fairly modest. I check the time, 8:52, just in time. I head downstairs and slip on some black high top converse, and grab a hair clip and my keychain, just as my phone dings, Ben letting me know they're here. I lock the door behind me an head to the car, seeing Ben and Milo in the front so I hop in the back next to Leo.

"Hey" I say with a sigh pulling my seatbelt on. Milo and Ben turn in their seats to say hi. "You look nice" Leo says glancing in between me and ben, which Ben snorts at "Nice?" he questions, recognizing Leo is unsure what compliment is appropriate to say to his friend while his boyfriend is also in the car. Leo shrugs and before he can answer Ben speaks up "Leo you're aloud to say pretty or hot" He laughs and Leo rolls his eyes "Pretty, Scar you look pretty" I laugh "Thank you Leo, but are you sure you should say that in front of you're boyfriend" I say teasingly while he laughs and rolls his eyes. 

Ben smiles at Leo and reaches back to give him a playful shove "Yeah come on Leo complimenting girls in front of your boyfriend? Really?" he jokes before leaning in his seat to be able to look at me "You do look really pretty Scarlett" I smile, yet press down on my thigh, hating the attention "Thank you, you guys look great too." I catch Milo's eyes for the first time, surprised to find him already looking at me, his cheeks flushing slightly when he sees I caught him looking. This kind of weird, right? Why would he blush at that? "You look nice" he says, glaring at Leo, making fun of what he said earlier, but actually meaning it . He smiles and I smile back before he turns around and starts driving. 

When we get there the party already started, but is mainly just the sports teams with their girl friends and Noah and his friends, but more people come in every minute. Noah sees me and walks over with Zeke, Max and Tommy. "Scarlett you made it!" Tommy says, clearly already wasted, falling onto Noah who just laughs. "Hey guys" Noah says to my friends who all return hellos "Drinks are in the fridge and on the counter, but the fridge in the garage has the more expensive ones for people I actually know, just don't tell anyone. The key is above the doorframe, just lock it after" Zeke says while nodding to, what I presume, is the door to the garage. "You're the best" Ben says and he jokes around with him, Milo and Leo for a minutes, Max adding in to the conversation a little bit, but is mainly taking care of Tommy.

Noah steps away from the conversation, walking to my side and whispering low enough for no-one else to hear. "I know you already know this, but if you're gonna drink just please try not to have much or get drunk, I remember Mom making sure we both knew you weren't supposed to drink on the anxiety meds, okay?" I nod with a smile "I'm not planning on drinking, if I do it'll only be a 1 or 2." He nods "Okay, well I probably wont get too wasted tonight so just find me if you need something. You have a designated driver right?" I chuckle "Yeah, Milo is, Leo will probably be sober too. I'll be fine, go have fun" he nods and rushes off to some other friends, dragging Max, Zeke and Tommy with him.

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