Chapter 18

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"Shit" I mumble, briefly tripping into the storage room, Leo by my side. Luckily I'm able to play it off as tripping on air, instead of what it really was, dizziness from not eating anything yesterday or today.

I slide down against the wall across from Ben and next to Leo. Today has been fine so far, another lecture in Bio, and 2 Advil bouncing in my stomach all alone. My headache is gone thanks to the meds but they don't help the painful bruise. Every time I move my leg throbs. I dig through my bag, finding a bottle of Tylenol and popping 2. 

"You okay?" Ben asks, causing Milo and Leo to glance up "Oh uh yeah, just have a headache" I smile back, sipping my water and popping a piece of gum in, I just hope they don't notice my lack of lunch again. Luckily they don't, or at least they don't mention it. For some reason, the feeling of loneliness crept back in, despite being with friends. 

We spendthe rest of lunch listening to Milo and Ben talk about a class they shared and how some guy picked a fight with their teacher, which was pretty hilarious. After the bell rings we go our separate ways. When I get to math, our last period, Milo is already sitting at the desk next to mine. "Hey," he smiles "Hi" I sigh out, slipping my bag off my shoulder and pulling out the homework and my notebook. "Are you okay?" I glance up, "Yeah sorry, just tired. You?" he smiles "I'm good, tired too, I had the closing shift last night and was up late doing homework after'' I nod "Same here." "Do you work this weekend?" I tilt my head up trying to remember my schedule.

 "Just Saturday, Leo and I work 9-3, I figured I'd swing by the bookstore after, why?" He nods, giving me a smile and I slightly waver in his voice as he speaks "I was thinking maybe the 4 of us could hang out again?" I smile and nod, leaning forwards a bit "Yeah, definitely! We could go to my house again if you want, Although there's a decent chance Noah's friends will also be there" he nods with a smile "That sounds great, I'm off at 4 Saturday and don't work Sunday, Ben is off for the weekend, so we could probably do something Sunday, we can ask them after school" he smiles and I nod "sounds good." We don't talk much the rest of class, it's a lecture day going over different equations, so our only other convos are asking each other if we understand something, and helping each other with it. 

When the bell rings we head out to meet Ben and Leo, Zeke and Tommy walking behind us, dragging Milo into some video game argument, which of course, gets heated thanks to Tommy. I mouth "sorry" to Milo, which gets a chuckle. 

Leo and Ben smile when they see us, I say bye to Zeke and Tommy "So we were thinking we could all do something this weekend? We all have Sunday off" I nod, adding on "We could go somewhere or you guys could come to mine again, Noah and his friends might be there though" Ben and Leo smile "Yeah I'm down for sure." Leo nods in agreement "Yeah definitely, we could go bowling or something and then go back to scars house to hang out?" we all nod "Oh god" Ben says, eyeing Milo, who snorts "Milo gets insanely competitive at bowling" We all chuckle "why am I not surprised?" I question earning an elbowing from Milo. We chat for a few minutes before going our own ways. 

It's Thursday so Leo and I work again, same as yesterday. We hop in my car and head to work, Leo's mom calls as we get in, so my thoughts start running, Leo's voice in the background. I haven't gone bowling in a long time, what if I suck? I shouldn't be embarrassed in front of them, but my anxiety gets the best of me even when I'm with people I know. I'm grateful they didn't suggest a party, not that I have anything against them in general, I just have never been to one, and I don't get invited. Delilah does, but those are ones just for the volleyball team. I mean to be fair even if I did get invited, I probably wouldn't go, they seem kind of pointless, and boring, especially since I don't drink, and I can't with the anxiety meds I'm on. 

Leo says my name, pulling me out of my thoughts. His mom was just calling to check in, and he fills me in on some family drama between his mom and her sister, which he finishes just as we walk into the cafe, both of us chuckling. Lisa's behind the register, smiling when she sees us. It's a busy shift, I work the register, Leo and Lisa work in the back. We get off earlier than normal, leaving at 6, meaning we'll eat dinner with my whole family. The thought of this makes my stomach churn, there's no way to avoid eating. We've done this one other time with Leo staying here, normally we get home from work late, or my parents are working late.

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