Chapter 28

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Scarlett's POV

Zeke gives me a small smile as he he closes his door. He points at the bed, telling me to sit, which I do. He goes to his closet "T-shirt or sweatshirt?" he asking turning to face me, "t-shirt please" I say, mustering up a small smile. He pulls open a drawer, and I start taking off what's left of my shirt at the same time the door flings open. 

Max walks in first, I give him a questioning look, to which responds at a whisper "didn't tell them what happened, just that something happened." Noah, Leo, Ben and Milo all pile in with worried expressions. Their face morph from confusion and concern, to even more concerned when they see me, panic in my face, a torn shirt hanging on one shoulder while im sitting in nothing but a bra. When they see I'm in a bra their eyes all shoot back up to my face, not wanting to stare, but it causes them get more nervous and angry. As they take in the image before them a flicker of recognition flashes in their face, connecting dots to why I may be in a bra at a party.

"What the fuck happened?" Noah asks, his voice filled with concern, as he rushes towards me, standing in front of me. The other 3 quickly behind him, walking to stand next to him, my eyes flicker between them, then to zeke and max.

Oh god, oh fuck, this really happened, didn't it? Maybe I'm exaggerating, oh god, fuck, why did this have to happen.

"Scar, what happened?" Leo asks gently. I feel myself began to panic, and I know how quickly this can turn into a panic attack. I dig my hand into my pocket, pulling out a foil packet with my emergency anxiety meds, the ones I haven't had to take in 6 months, but carry with me everywhere still.

Noah watches, the other look with slight confusion as to what I'm taking, but Noah knows what it is. "Oh shit, Scarlett what happened?" I look around at all of them, trying to find someone who has a drink I can use to take the meds. I reach my hand out to Noah, who's holding his beer "You're not supposed to have any alcohol when you take those" He says, his voice wavering "Noah, I've only had 2 beers, ill be fine. It's either this or a panic attack" he nods and reluctantly hands me his beer and I take the meds.

Zeke hands me a shirt, "here" I thank him and toss it on before answering Noah. "Are you okay? what happened?" Noah says, more gently, he moves over to sit down next to me.

"yeah, I, I think I'm okay. nothing really happened. I uh, I was heading back over to you guys, and some guy ran into me on accident, and his drink spilled on my shirt." I pause, taking a breath. "Shit how drunk are you guys? "I ask, not wanting to tell them when they're wasted. "Me and Milo are sober, Ben is tipsy" Leo responds for all of them, I nod and look towards Noah "Scarry, I'm fine I've only had 2 drinks" I nod, and continue with the story.

"He uh he said he was friends with Zeke" Noahs eyes flicker to zeke, who's eyes widen "Shit, no he was on the basketball team last year, but thats when I was out with an injury, I know of him, but I don't know him, we've never talked " I nod, shit I'm so dumb, I should've known he wasn't on the tea anymore.

 "anyway he said he knew where Zeke's room was and I could grab one of his shirts, so I followed him. I know dumb. But he seemed nice enough." I sigh

"But he took me to the bathroom downstairs, not Zeke's room, which I didn't know until he shoved me into the bathroom, and I couldn't leave. He uh, he pinned me to the door and said "we're gonna have so much fun" and I said no, I told him that I just wanted a clean shirt, and that my friends were waiting for me, and I tried to leave and he did step back for a minute but then he pinned me to the door." I take a deep breath, pausing briefly.

"Then he tried to kiss me, so I went to shove him off, but he pinned my hand to the wall so I couldnt, and used his other hand to push me against the wall by grabbing my neck. I told him I said no and he said "Well that makes this even more fun" I see the disgust flicker in their faces, Leo moves to sit next to me on the bed, and puts his hand on my shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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