Chapter 11

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I tell Leo to sit at the kitchen island, while I run to the bathroom to grab the first aid kit. "Okay, let's get that cut cleaned" he gives a small smile, and we both stay quiet until I pull away, letting him know I'm done cleaning it, he mumbles a thank you.

I put the kit away before meeting him at the island, standing across from him "Have you eaten? We can order or I can cook something" he glances up, it looks like he's debating if it's okay to say he's hungry. I speak up, going against my brain "I haven't eaten dinner so I was gonna figure something out anyway" He gives me a thankful smile "Yeah, food would be great" I nod, opening the fridge "What are you in the mood for? I think the only open delivery place is pizza but I could make pretty much anything." I look over at him waiting for some sort of hint as to what he wants.

"Pizza sounds good" I nod and after placing our order I get us both a glass of water. I'm still standing across from him, while he sits at the island. I'm trying to figure out what to say, It would be weird if I just talked, pretending everything was normal, but I don't want to push and ask about it, he'll tell me when he's ready. I was going to tell him a funny story about a time we ordered from this pizza place but realized he probably doesn't want to hear about my family. Before I can decide what exactly to say he speaks up

"I-uh I'm" he pauses, me looking at him expectantly, waiting for him to finish but he never does. "What is it? You can tell me anything Leo" I offer, hoping it sounds comforting, not like I'm trying to press him for details. He gives me a small nod, swallowing

"I'm Gay"

I see his face harden immediately, his eyes twitch before widening slightly, his gaze falling to his lap, refusing to meet my eyes. He's shocked he actually said it. I see a few tears fall "Leo" I beg him to look at me, wanting him to look me in the eyes when I tell him it's okay, wanting him to know I mean it. His gaze slowly makes its way up, halting as he swallows before finally meeting my eyes, his face instantly softening when he sees my small smile.

"It's okay Leo" Those three words cause his head to tilt in confusion before acceptance, crying of relief. Within a second I'm around the counter, my hand on his shoulder, he turns towards me, and I'm hunching slightly to meet his height as he sits on the stool, wrapping my arms around him.

He leans in, his head on my shoulder, with my head resting atop his briefly. We stay there for a few seconds, his crying stopping as he pulls away to catch his breath. I take this as an opportunity to pull myself back, just enough that we can see each other's faces "I'm proud of you." his face falters confusion and relief. "Thank you for telling me. You don't need to worry about me, this doesn't change anything. You're still you Leo. Even more you now" his eyes widen as if this is the first time he's been shown kindness in this form. "Thank you" the end gets muffled as he pulls me into another hug, tears now escaping my eyes as well as I connect the dots. This is why he was kicked out.

How in the world could a parent kick their own child out just for loving who they love? I'm hit with an overwhelming sense of guilt, last night I stood in the exact spot, coming out to my parents and they accepted it, god damn it, I was so happy, and Leo knew it, I was going on about my supportive family and he just got kicked out for the same reason I was hugged.

He pulls away, meeting my eyes and stiffening "My dad, uh Ryan... shit" I give him a confused look, wiping my tears "I lied" I tilt my head, pulling the barstool next to him out, facing him I sit down, giving him my full attention "What do you mean? Lied about what?" he sighs "I lied about being an only child" He doesn't even give me time to figure out why exactly he would lie or what it has to do with this before he rambles out an explanation.

"Ryan, he's my half-brother. A woman my dad was with got pregnant, my dad didn't know it until about 4 years ago, which was after my parents split." I nod, telling him to go on "When my dad found out he was mad, mad that the woman, Maggie had kept his son a secret, my dad, he tried to get to know Ryan, and they got pretty close." He pauses, sighing, "For some reason, Ryan has always hated me, like from day one. I met him 3 months after my dad did. He acted civil around my dad but when it was just the 2 of us Ryan yelled, threatened, and called me names." I frown, my eyes meeting his. "I'm sorry I lied to you, I really don't consider him family, I never have. He's in college now"

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