Chapter 23

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I smile as I pull our pizzas out of the oven, adding arugula to mine. Leo followed my request to make mine a little smaller than the others. I slice them up and sit them on the dining table where we had been playing uno waiting for them to cook. "Hopefully they're good" I say, as Leo walks to the table with the 2 other pizzas and we all sit down.

"Scarlett I could kiss you right now this is the best pizza I've ever had" As ben says it, Leo glares at him causing me and Milo to laugh at there little interaction. "He's right though this is so good" Milo says, taking a sip of his sprite. Leo nods "yeah yeah, it is pretty fucking amazing." He glares at ben "But don't kiss her" which causes us all to laugh again.

We all finish our pizzas, even me, which was terrifying, but needed. We decide to play some games, and I put some music on in the background, it turns out we all have very similar music taste, and we take turns adding songs to the queue. We finish up our second game, Leo sighing at losing twice, which of course, we make fun of him for. We mainly talk about the games, but also a few random things, one of which is Ben's parents being strict about partys, so he had to have milo confirm they were just spending the night a friends. I guess Milo is kind of like a son to Ben's parents, and vice versa Ben with Milos parents. That gets us started on partys which is when I find out Ben's never drank before, Milo does every once and a while but prefers not too and Leo used too, but his uncle became and alcoholic so Leo stopped. It feels nice to not be the only one who doesn't drink, not that I have anything against it, I just cant because of my meds.

"Oh my god, can we play twister?" Ben yells as we rifle through the game cabinet, Leo and Milo on the couch. Leo laughs, Milo smiles "Hell yeah" I laugh and help Ben move some game boxes to grab twister and we set it up.

"Isn't it like technically cheating that me flicking the spinner is what's gonna make me fall?" Leo says with a laugh, "whoever closest to the spinner has to do it" Ben argues, I laugh "Okay, okay I can do it with my foot" I say, kicking the spinner, which works suprisingly well "Uh it's right hand green" Leo reads out "well fucking hell" I sigh "How in the hell am I supposed to reach that green?"

They all just laugh at me, the only green spot left is on the opposite side of the mat, but I manage to snake my hand around Leos neck to reach it. "Scar you better not move cause you'll make me fall" I laugh, "you under estimate me Leo"

After Leos next turn, me and him are intertwined, but still standing. "That looks cozy" Milo says, making me and Ben snort, and Leo rolls his eyes playfully "yeah, yeah just spin already" On Leos next turn he moves his hand too quickly knocking my ankle, making me lose balance, and topple, which then makes Leo fall, who slams into Milo who brings Ben down with him, Luckily I managed to keep my bruised thigh covered, no one falling on it. Leaving us 4 as a pile of intermingled limbs, out of breath and absoultutly laughing out asses off, it takes about 5 minutes until we pull ourselves together, starting a new round.

"Left foot blue" Milo sighs, doing as told, although it proves to be quite the struggle for him. "Scar yellow" I pause waiting for Leo to tell me which arm or leg to move "Which limb am I moving Leo" Ben chuckles at that "Limb?" I just snort and Leo laughs "Right hand." I manage to do so, Ben and Leo doing their turns as well. Ben is practically under me, Leo's leg between my shoulder and Milo wrapped around both me and Leo. "Uh Milo I think its left foot red" Ben says, more so as a question "You think?" Milo repeats "I mean I am reading this upside down" we laugh at that and Milo attempts to put his foot on the only red spot left "Sorry Scarlett" He says with a laugh as he sips a leg between my arms, laughing.

"Ben I swear to god if you hit my leg I'm gonna be pissed" Milo says as Ben attempts to move his arm, but instead, does exactly what milo asked him not to do, slipping into Milos leg, swiping it off the dot and making all of us fall again. I try to tilt to the right, in order to avoid falling onto of the arms and legs under, but Milo has the same idea, Falling to the same spot as me, just a second late. He lands fully on top of me, me on my back, His on his stomach, his bent knee on my thigh, his head right next to mine and his arm stuck under ben and Leo, who landed intertwined, Ben's leg over mine and Milos. I wince when his knee hits mine, but hide it well.

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