Chapter 7

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I walk into Biology, I'm the first one here. I say hi to Mr.Hart, putting my backpack on the ground after grabbing my notebook, pencil, and one of the cold brews from Trader Joes. I really want one of the lattes but since I know I'll be having a drink at work later I packed a black coffee.

It's Friday, and I'm working a super long shift today making all the cupcakes and frostings with Shelly. Yesterday was fine, school went by quickly, it was another lecture day in biology, so I didn't talk to Leo much but we did joke around a little bit. Work was busy and my parents were off early so I didn't have much time to overthink. We had a family game night, after me lying and saying I ate at the bakery again, the truth is all I ate yesterday was some pineapple and a handful of Noah's popcorn. I knew today Shelly would be feeding me at least one cupcake, more likely 2, so I hadn't been eating yesterday or today just so I wouldn't feel guilty about it.

I'm excited it's Friday, since today and tomorrow will be busy, and I love working at the barkery. But I'm also anxious. I meet my new coworker today, I'll be eating more baked goods than I'm comfortable with, plus probably some sort of coffee to keep me awake. I sigh, snapping back to reality when a loud laugh comes from a group of students walking in. I take a sip of my coffee, shaking my head at the bitter taste, no milk like I'm used to. I flip to a new page, writing the date in the corner, and doodling in the margins, until the stool next to me squeaks, as Leo pulls his seat out.

I glance up at him, he already has a small smile. "Hey Scarlett" I temporarily freeze, not only not expecting him to say hi, as yesterday we just smiled, but also surprised to hear him say my name, which he hasn't done before. "Hi Leo" I smile back, he might be more energetic today, but his eye bags are darker today, and the usual pain in his eyes is still there. I want to ask if he's okay, but I don't want to upset him, so I stay quiet.

Mr.Hart lets us know we're doing another partner lab, having us go grab goggles and lab coats, before handing out instructions, which has a list of supplies needed.

I get back to our table first, instead of going to his seat on my left side, Leo stops at the side of the table, meaning while I'm standing facing the front of the classroom, he is standing facing the window that's on my left.

What this also means is that when I look up to talk I now see the left side of his neck for the first time today, which is decorated in 3 hickeys. I quickly look back up to his face, but he notices. "oh shit please don't tell me they're that noticeable" his voice is filled with both annoyance and amusement, I can't help but to let out a snort and a small smile "uhh- I think you're out of luck, they're pretty noticeable" he scoffs "that idiot I told hi- uh her not to make it noticeable" he rushes the end of his sentence, glancing at the paper "I'll get the first 4 things, you get the last four." He says the last few words while already walking away.

I glance at the paper to see the 4 things I need to grab, wondering why he suddenly rushed off. It isn't until I've grabbed my second item on the list that I register his slip up, "hi-uh her" He was going to say him. While I grab the last 2 items I debate how I should handle it, bringing it up would be uncomfortable and possibly out him, which is why I very quickly decide to pretend I never heard it. Once I get back to the table, he's there waiting, at his seat this time.

He glances up at me curiously, studying my actions, trying to see if I caught it. I glance up and when I meet his eyes staring at me curiously I fake a confused look "Did you get everything?" he sighs with relief, which lets me know I made the right decision. "Yeah, yeah I got them, it says we're supposed to pour 50 ml of this," he holds up a test tube with blue liquid "with 20 ml of that" he points to the one test tube that was one of my 4 items. I nod "sounds good '' We continue our experiment, him being a lot more talkative than normal, even goofing off and making jokes every once in a while.

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