Chapter 27

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Scarlett's POV

I turn around to face whoever pushed me in here, It's Callum, he's laughing sweetly, as if he meant for this to be romantic. He turns he around by the shoulder, pushing me forward until my backs against the door "hi" he says with a slight laugh, my brain stutters, not sure what exactly to do or say, but he fills the silence "we're gonna have some fun" he says, before leaning in to kiss me.

My heart races, he's not holding me down or anything, I could get out, I dont think he's trying to force me to do anything I dont want, but I'm still anxious. I don't want this. I pull my hands up and push him away by his shoulders "I don't want this, sorry if I gave the wrong impression, I just wanted to get a dry shirt." I dont know why I feel the need to apologize, but I do. He backs up and I let out a sigh of relief, he's just a nice guy Scarlett. He thought you wanted this, now that you said no, he understan-

My thoughts are interrupted by him pushing my into the door again, this time also pinning down my hands, His grip is strong, too strong, I can't get out of his grip. He moves on hand to my throat, not choking me, but putting enough pressure to keep me in place, even more so than before. "I said no, I dont want this let me go" I demand, but instead of him acknowledging what I said, he smiles. "That just makes this even more fun" he says, leaning towards me. My stomach and heart drop. This can't be happening, can It? No, no no, there has to be something I can do to stop him. 

He rearranges his grip, holding me hard against the wall with one hand, his legs, and the weight of his body, making it so I can't squirm free. His other hand starts to pick up the bottom hem of my t-shirt, and his hand snakes up underneath my shirt "please, stop" I tremble out, trying to hold my composure, trying anything I can to hold back a panic attack. He smiles in response, his hand making its way up to my bra, his hand tightens around my boob. "I said no, just please let me go" He shakes his head. He retracts his hand slightly, before slipping in underneath my bra to grope me this time. I close my eyes and swallow, hoping to hold back tears, taking a deep breath and opening my eyes. 

He leans in and kisses me. I try and pull back when I feel his lips on mine but his free hand is holding me in place. I manage to lean my head back farther against the door, but his lips only leave mine briefly, before they reattach, his hand moves from my bra, slipping it out of my shirt and to the collar of my shirt, clinging onto it and useing it to pull me closer.

This isn't what my first kiss is supposed to be. I shouldn't of followed him, I shouldn't have left Noah, I should've stayed to help Tommy, this is my fault. I mean no ones gonna believe me, a girl with a low cut shirt, drinking a beer, even though im not even tipsy, I mean callum is attractive and well liked, no one will believe me.

His eyes close while he kisses me harder, but I keep mine open, my mouth shut, not moving my lips at all. I think I might puke, oh god. I feel some of the pressure he's placing on my arms lessen, his grip lighter.And then he moves his arm, the one thats pinning me. His body and legs are still holding me against the wall, but as he moves his hand to cup my face, I can move ever so slightly. this is my chance, my only chance to get out of this.

My right leg is in between his legs and I move the heel of my foot against the door so that my knee bends slightly. okay Scarlett, you got this, do it now while you can. I take my knee and thrust it upwards as hard and fast as I can, kneeing him in the balls, hard. He stumbles backwards, still clutching my shirt as he falls to the ground. I jerk backwards to avoid falling onto of him, I cant let him get a hold of me again. I hear a ripping sound as he falls flat down on him ass, his hands both clasping his croth and he rolls over in pain. 

I glance down at myself, the ripping sound was my shirt. He was clinging to it when I jerked away from him and he tore it completely down the middle, my bra exposed. The fabric of my shirt is to stretchy to hold together. Luckily I chose a lace bra that has lining, everything covered, but im still in my bra. But I have no other choice and not much time to think this through, I need to get away from him. I swing the door open, slamming it behind me. I take a few steps to the left to see the crowd, standing in a ripped, beer covered shirt, exposing my bra, and I still feel his hands on me. 

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