Chapter 15

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As we pull into my driveway Ben quickly speaks up "Shit is someone home?" Leo and I both answer "No, that's Noah's car" and my voice overlaps with his "No that's my brother's car, I drove him to school." The 2 of us chuckle at our answers being the same before we all head into the house. "Your house is so pretty" Ben says as he glances around. "Thanks, you guys can toss your bags wherever, " I say as Leo launches him towards the couch, smiling.

"Are you guys hungry?" I ask since we left during lunch, but as soon as I say it, I regret it, knowing I have to eat too if they say yes. Leo nods, "yes please" eagerly following me to the kitchen, "What do you guys want? We could order or I can cook whateve-" Leo cuts me off "I will do the cleaning at the bakery all week if you cook, I have to take advantage while I'm here" I laugh at him "I'll do it for free, what do you guys want?" I glance at Ben "Any favorites?" he lets his eyes wander "I'm not super picky, any specialties?" I smile, trying to find an answer, typically I don't eat much of what I cook, so I always let whoever I'm with pick.

After a bit of discussion, we've landed on Pesto grilled cheese with homemade fries.  "It'll probably be a little while if you guys wanna play games or anything, Leo knows the setup" I smile, but they all shake their heads, Milo speaks first "No, we can play later, do you need any help?" I shake my head "I'm okay, I've made these dozens of times for my brother's friends" Ben speaks up next "How did you learn to cook?" I tell them the story, which leads to Ben telling us 1 of many failed attempts at cooking, and Milo listing off the meals he can make, not many, like 5 Max, but he can bake, same with Leo.

We've moved on to everyone's favorite meals when my phone rings. Noah's name fills my screen. Oh shit, I was supposed to call him after he saw what happened but I completely forgot. "Sorry, it's Noah" The 3 of them nod, falling silent as I answer "he-" Before I get one word out Noah loudly interrupts "Scarlett what the fuck? you told me you'd text, Zeke and Tommy just told me you aren't in your class, where are you?" I swallow "Shit Noah, I'm sorry, I'm okay. It was hectic and I forgot to text you. I left early, I'm home, I'm with..." I stop myself, realizing if I say Ben's here, I'll be risking outing Leo as the guy in the photo "Leo, me and Leo came home" The 3 guys all give me worried glances.

"I can come home, Tommy can drop me off" I hear the anxiety in his voice and the guilt hits  me "Noah, really,  I'm fine. I'm with Leo, there's no need for you to com-" I wince as Noah cuts me off "Fine? Really, you're fine? An hour ago you were quite literally being choked, nothing about this is fine! Do you have any idea how Mom and Dad are gonna react? You need to call them."

"I'll tell them when they get home. Jules only choked me for like 10 seconds, I'll be fine." I hear Noah sigh, and Leo and Ben are whispering, I hear Leo explain that Noah saw Jules choke me, Milo listening to Leo but looking at me, concerned. "You won't go back to school today, right?" I nod "Yeah, we'll be home all day. You can go to Tommy's I'm okay." I hear him sigh "Okay fine I'll call later '' We say our goodbyes and I put my phone on the counter.

The three of them look at me as I turn around to wash my hands again "Sorry, Noah saw me and Jules arguing and I told him I'd call him but I completely forgot, and 2 of his friends in our class" I say while looking at Milo, knowing he's in the class too "told him I wasn't there." I pause before adding "And don't worry I didn't tell him you 2 were here, so he won't figure out it was you in the picture Leo, although I doubt he'd piece it together." I pause briefly "But if he did he wouldn't tell anyone." I smile and Leo sighs, "Oh shit I didn't even think of that, thank you" I smile, getting back to cooking, and restarting the favorite food conversation.

15 minutes later, I've finished cooking, 3 full pesto grilled cheeses, 1 half one for me, hoping they don't ask, as well as a big bowl of homemade fries and aioli. Leo made a small face when he saw my plate only had a half sandwich, but didn't say anything.

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