Chapter 17

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I check my phone while waiting for Leo to put his shoes on, 2 more people sent me the video from yesterday, and 5 texts from Delilah, who snuck to her phone during the spa trip. I immediately answer her but decide to wait until we FaceTime to tell her about yesterday. I respond to her texts about a guy she met, begging for details. I have 2 texts each from an unknown number-

Hi Scarlett! It's Ben, just wanted to text so you have my number.

hey scarlett, it's milo, I figured I should send a text so you also have my number :)

And lastly one from a group chat, me, Leo, Milo, and Ben. Asking if we all want to meet outside. I quickly save the contacts, and respond, saying yes to meeting outside.

When Leo and I pull up outside of school we spot Ben and Milo and head over to them. I only get a few looks from people, Ben gets a lot of looks, but no one says anything, and no new posters luckily. I walk Ben to his first Class, I don't see any of them again until Biology with Leo, a boring lecture day, so not much time for talking, but he updates me on Ben. He's doing surprisingly well, there have been whispers but nothing mean so far. Jules doesn't look at me in class, at least not that I notice.

As I finish zipping up my bag  the bell rings, I stand up waiting for Leo to finish, and we head to the storage room. "Oh shit" I say as I grab Leo's arm positioning him in front of me as I start speed walking, pulling him along. "Why are we doing this?" I nod my head towards the cafeteria "Jules is over there and I'd prefer her to not see me right now" he laughs, shaking his head "Yesterday you were yelling at her and today you're hiding?" he questions, raising his eyebrows. I slap his arm playfully "Very funny but I don't want to make another scene, the principal hasn't called me down yet" He nods and we quickly slip into the storage room, Milo and Ben already there.

"How are you doing?" Leo asks Ben while we plop down in front of them. "Surprisingly okay, I haven't gotten called down yet. Mostly just whispers, only 1 slur so far, so it's a win" he takes a bite of his sandwich "crazy world we live in when 1 slur is considered a win" Milo says, half laughing half scoffing "Fair point" Ben says. They've all pulled their lunches out, I grab the black coffee I packed. "Do you guys work today?" Ben asks both me and Leo, we nod "Yeah, 2:45 until 7" I answer, Leo nodding in agreement as I crack my coffee open.

Ben glances over at me "Have they called you to the office?" I shake my head, "No, not yet, and Jules is here so I don't know if the school even knows what happened" Ben nods "Yeah, I don't know" he shrugs and goes back to eating. I take a sip of my coffee "No lunch?" Milo questions, I shake my head "Still full from breakfast" The lie I keep using, I'm awake before Leo, so I've been  telling him I eat before he wakes up. Milo nods, giving a slight smile. Ben talks about his work, he works at a local clothing store.

After he finishes I speak up "Where do you work Milo?" he looks up, meeting my eyes "Oh uh I work at a bookstore, Muse bookshop, it's downtown" I smile "I love that place, I haven't been in so long though" he smiles "I get a discount, so if you come in on my shift I can give you it" I smile, "I'll stop by this week, text me your schedule" he nods and grabs his phone with a close-lipped smile, Leo laughs "I don't think your bookshelf has room for even one more book, have you read most of them?" I smile and nod, "Yeah I think I have maybe 3 left that I haven't read" Leo raises his eyebrows "damn" he laughs and we all start talking about books, until the bell rings.

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