Chapter 25

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Scarlett's POV

When I get to school, Ben, Milo and Leo are all waiting outside, chatting amongst themselves, all smiling hello and we head into class. After they all went home yesterday, I did some homework and then had a mini breakdown, over the fact Leo knows about me not eating. And now I have a nice new bruise developing. 

Since I had to eat the past 2 days since Leo was there, my anxiety is high, I want nothing more than to go home, crawl in bed and sleep, without having to eat or pretend I'm okay, but I can't really do that.  We go our separate ways, keeping my head down in the first 3 classes, and putting on a fake smile for Leo, even though im pretty sure he can tell when they're real or fake. 

He proves me right instantly "What's wrong?" He asks as I sit down next to him. "Nothing, why?" I lie, he backs down even though he doesn't believe me. "Okay, well you know im here if you wanna talk" I nod and thank him, and we get to working on our lab.

When we start walking to lunch, he asks me, quiet enough no one else will hear "Did you eat today?" knowing I promised to not lie I shake my head "no, but I've never really been hungry in the morning" I respond, truthfully. He nods in understanding, grabbing my shoulder briefly, his effort at comforting me, which does actually help.

We get in the room, sliding down onto the floor in front of ben and milo, as always. They say hello, then say they need a second to finish up a worksheet their doing together, Leo and I nod and open our bags. I pull out my water, realizing I forgot a coffee. I zip my bag back up, and notice Leo eying me, I assume to see if I brought food, which I didn't. I'm glancing at the assignment they're working on, when I feel something nudge my wrist. I look over at Leo, assuming he's trying to get my attention. He catches my eye, then looks down at our hands, I follow his eyeline to see him sliding a granola bar and clementine towards me. I give him a smile, "thanks" he just nods, looking back to the others, making sure no-one saw, which I appreciate more than he knows. He gives a closed lip smile, more of a smirk actually, when he sees me peel and start to eat the clementine.

Once I finish the clementine, Milo and Ben finish their work, and start talking about how awful their teacher was today. I notice Leo just now unzips his lunch bag, meaning he didn't just give me a part of his lunch when he noticed I didn't bring food, he packed it specifically for me, which causes me to smile. I swallow, trying to push my nerves down as I grab the granola bar, trying to pay full attention to Ben and Milos story. I glance at Leo, making sure he isn't looking before I fill the granola bar over, to check the calories. When I lift up the foil that covers the nutritional facts, I find the calories, and everything else, colored over in sharpie. I sigh, but also smile, feeling Leo's eyes on me. When our eyes meet he gives a closed lip smile, which I return, a silent thank you.

When I get to math, Milo is already at our desks, and his face beams when he sees me, giving a smile, the kind that causes my heart to flutter. It's mainly a lecture so we cant talk much, but when he finishes his work sheet, he pulls out a book, I quickly finish the last questions I have. Before glancing over to see what book he's reading, a smile creeps up on my face when I see its Little Women. He blushes slightly when he sees me looking "I love that book" I say, he smiles, whispering back so the teacher doesn't hear "Me too, I'm rereading it" I nod with a smile, and pull out my book, a little life, and he smiles cutely when he sees im reading on of his recommendations. We read silently until the bell rings, chatting about little women until we get to the parking lot going our separate ways.


"Oh, hey I thought you guy's were at Tommy's" I say, as I walk in after my shift, finding Noah, Tommy, Max and Zeke. I usually work late Thursdays but I got off early today, so it's only 6 now."We were, but we wanted to play a new game I got" Noah answers, and I nod. "You're home early" He adds without looking up, but I nod despite him being unable to see me. "Yeah, Shelly let Leo and I off early" I respond. Then, unexpectedly, he pauses the game, extending a controller towards me, "Wanna play? Me and Zeke are Crushing Tommy and Max so you could join there team, make it more fair" Zeke smirks at Tommy and Max who are openly hurt about losing. I laugh and sit down on the couch, the open spot being next to Tommy, who spends the next 5 minutes explaining how to play. 

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