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It's the full moon tonight so stiles and mandi are at Scott's house to chain him up.
"You think I'll let you chain me up like a dog." "No actually I didn't, which is why," mandi pauses to pull a pair off handcuffs from her bag, "these." stiles takes them quickly and cuffs one of Scott's wrists to the radiator. Scott yelled at them for a while. and then stiles brought a bowl upstairs with Scott's name taped on.
"stiles." mandi sighs
stiles goes into Scott's room and pours water into the bowl and then sets it down. before coming back out and sitting next to mandi on the ground. for a while Scott screamed and then it stopped. "Scott you good?" no answer "scott?" this time they open the door to see the bloody handcuff and an open window. "shit" mandi mutters.
they run to the jeep getting in and driving down the road for a while till they come upon police cars.
they get out to see an ambulance and someone on a stretcher covered by a white sheet.
"dad?" stiles asks. and just then mandi realizes their dad is no where to be seen. "dad? has anyone seen my dad?" stiles continues asking and looking and mandi can feel the tears in her eyes.
"mandi? stiles? what are you doing here?" mandi and stiles turn to see their dad standing a couple feet behind him. stiles runs to hug him and mandi let's out a breath of relief before going over to hug him too.

stiles stayed with his dad but mandi went back to Scott's house to check if he's their. She unlocks the door whit the key stiles had. she walks upstairs to Scott's room and sees derek talking to scott. "Scott if you help me find him I'll help you kill him"
"kill who? and I watched you die blood spilling out of your mouth so how are you alive?" "I have my ways mandi." "that's such a great answer but now my first question." "the alpha." Scott says.
"that's a dumb idea." mandi mumbles to herself.
derek goes to leave and mandi follows him to the front door. "thank you." "what?" "thank you for making sure Scott didn't kill anyone." "it was no big deal." "seriously derek if you weren't there two teenagers might have been dead. so thank you."


"faster?" mandi asks looking at stiles quickly before looking back at the road. her stiles and Scott where in Derek's car she had no idea why she was the one driving but honestly she thought it was kinda fun. "much faster" mandi speeds up the car switching gears.
"hey mandi I love you but I don't think you are grasping the concept of a car chase." "if I go faster stiles I'll kill us." "if you don't they'll kill us." "actually they'll kill Scott we'll be fine. we arent werewolves." "mandi!" mandi speeds up again and then looks in the rear view mirror. "their gone stiles." "what?" stiles turns on the radio he'd 'borrowed' from the police station.
"all units suspect is on foot heading into the iron works"
"well shit"
mandi turns the car around and heads to iron works.
"get in!" stiles yells opening the passenger door and climbing to the back. derek gets in and mandi speeds off.
"What part of laying low don't you understand?" Scott asks. "DAMN IT I HAD HIM." "who? the alpha?" stiles leans forward asking. "YES HE WAS RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME AND THE FRIGGIN POLICE SHOWED UP." "woah hey they're just doing their jobs." stiles says. "yeah, thanks to domain you wanted to make me the most wanted fugitive in the entire STATE." Derek's glaring at Scott now. "CAN WE SERIOUSLY GET PASSED THAT I MADE A DUMBASS MISTAKE I GET IT." "ALRIGHT!" stiles now yelling too. "If you guys don't bring the fucking volume down I'm going to crash us into a tree." mandi says her voice level which stiles finds more scary than her yelling. "don't crash my car." derek says looking at mandi.
"how did you even find him" stiles asks. derek shakes his head and looks out the window. "can you try to trust us for at least half a second?" Scott says. "Yea both of us." stiles adds and derek glares at him, "or just him I'll be back here." stiles says leaning back and Scott leaning forward taking his place.
"look the last time I talked to my sister she was close to figuring something out she found two things first was a guy named harris." "stiles' chemistry teacher?" mandi asks "why him" Scott asks. "I don't know yet" "what's the second.?" derek pulls out a paper and unfolds it. "some kind of symbol."
Scott sighs. "what you know what this is?" "I've seen it on a necklace," "Allison's necklace." mandi finishes.


"just that I know nothing about girls and that their totally psychotic." Scott says. "we're not psychotic you're just an idiot." mandi says sitting down infront of Scott and stiles. "mandi how did you get in here." mandi holds up her camera. "im the sub for the photography and journalism class." "how the he'll do you have jobs everywhere." "I don't I quit interning at the station. I'm not going to lie I don't know how dad does it." "does what." "see blood and gore and all that all day and still come home trying to make us smile."
"anyway I can up with a plan 'b' " "What's plan 'b' stiles?" "Just steal the stupid thing." "stiles our dad is a sheriff and you're first instinct is still to steal why?" mandi asks sighing. "Can we at least try to get to Harris first?" Scott asked. "No" "our dad put him on a 24 hour protective detail" "the necklace is all we got. steal it." "I hate this plan but you're going to have to steal it scott." Scott looks behind mandi to where jackson is staring at them. Jackson starts talking to Scott knowing Scott can hear him. Jackson starts taunting scott. and stiles and mandi can tell he's getting to scott. mandi gets up and walks over to Jackson. "Mister Whitmore can I talk to you?" mandi effectively gets Jackson to shut up but Scott was still upset over whatever Jackson said and Scott ends up breaking his lunch tray causing everyone to look at him including mandi. when mandi turns back around Jackson's smirking at Scott before he walks away.
"pussy" she mumbles

ik it's been a while sorry I've honestly forgot about this book.
anyway love you xxx

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