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mandi stood in the lunchroom when she saw erica walking out except she was completely diffeerant. stiles and scott rushed  out after her. mandi behind them. as she walking up behind stiles and scott who are standing outside she her eyes lock with derek who smiles at her and gets in his car. mandi was focused on derek and she didnt even notice her shoe was untied and she end up falling forward into stiles and scott.
"shit sorry."


the next day scott and stiles tell mandi they think that boyds going to be the next person that derek turns so mandi and scott are at the ice rink trying to convince boyd not to take the bite.
"i just dont want to sit alone at lunch anymore."
"youre looking for friends? i hate to tell ypu boyd but you could do a lot better then derek. hes kind of a dick."
"ouch mandi. and here i thought we were friends." derek says from behind scott and mandi.
"well i guess you thought wrong. thats kinda sad for you."
"you know if youre going to review me at least take a consensus. erica hows life been?"
"in a word," erica begins, "transformitive." she says before growling.
"a little bummed out about being a fugitive but besides that great."
"wait this isnt fair." scott says
"so go home scott."
"i meant for them." scott says before charging.
mandi stepped to the side and watched the fight grabbing her gun and loading it she didnt want to shoot a teenager but if it got to the point she would. they'd heal anyways.
"dont." derek says walking over to her.
"dont get in the way." derek says before scott yells out, "dont you get it he doesnt care about you. all he wants is power  its about power for him."
"your right it is." derek says his eyes red as he charges at scott and throws him down onto the ice. he puts his foot on scotts throat and pushes down making blood come out of his mouth.
"fuck." mandi mutters before raising her gun and shooting derek in the stomach twice effectively getting him off of scott but unfortunately. erica runs over to mandi grabbing her and throwing her into the ice as well. mandi mutters a string of curses in pain erica practically slammed her into ice.
derek notices mandis eye color flash white and he sees the blue aura around her again.
erica goes to claw at her but derek stops her, "enough."
"you really want to be like them?" sscott asks boyd.
"no," boyd pauses and lifts his shurt uo to show the bite mark, "i want to be like you."
mandi and scott watch as the four walk off.


mandi took scott to the animal clinic because he wasnt healing. deaton says its because its from an alpha.
after dropping scott off at the clinic she goes over to the mechanics cause she hadnt heard from stiles what she saw however was horrible stiles was on the ground and couldnt move in the waiting room. and through a little window she saw a guy under a car lift getting squished.
"holy shit." she mutter her eyes brimming with tears.

yes she shot derek. twice.

Sourwolf | derek hale- DISCONTINUED FOR NOWWhere stories live. Discover now