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"im starting not to like this idea. it sounds kinda dangerous. you know what i definitely dont like this idea and i definitely dont like him." issac says pacing.
"youll be fine." derek says. "does it have to be him." "he knows how to do it i dont be more dangerous if i tried doing it myself." "you know scott doesnt trust him right? well personally i trust scott." "do you trust me?" "yea. i still dont like him." "no one likes him. mandi help me out here."
"very very true i still want to kill i dont know why i dont but not the point." "thanks mandi that helps me so much." "sarcasm oh how i love it when im saying it and hate hate it when its from someone else." "again i dont see how this helps me at all." "yea thats because theres a 50 % chance whenever i talk that it will be completely useless. and then 50 % chance that its useful. oh and a 20 % chance its just to make fun of you." mandi says ending with a smile. "mandi that math is no where near correct. if you're not goimg to be helpful just please be quiet." "or i could leave make it easier on everyone." "or you could just be quiet like i said." "okay two things and then ill shut up, one this is not the 1800s i am not a servant to men and two i dont like be quiet." "then can you just say..........helpful things" "no." she smiles at him and shakes her head.
derek finds himself staring at her, he really didnt want to admit it but he was starting to like this girl, even though she made it her goal to absolutely annoy him constantly. like today he was glad that she was still here, annoying him, rather than not being there and noone annoying him. he didnt like that fact that he liked her enough for the former statement to be true.
he watched the girl admiring her and the way her hair fell effortlessly over her shoulders or how the sleeves of her light brown cardigan almost covered her entire hand, how when shes bores she'll stare off into space and only break out of the trance if something your saying is interesting enough by her standards. he also noticed other things about her like when shes nervous or upset she'll pick at the skin near her thumbnail and bounce her leg or how no matter whats going on her main concern is really just keeping stiles safe, how she played with her bracelet, which derek had learned was a matching one with stiles from their mom, whenever she was worried about her dad or brother.
"the point is issac you need to do it even if dereks uncle is a completely untrustworthy piece of shit." "there you go that helpful." derek says to mandi.
"boys, mandi fyi yes, coming back from the dead has left my abilities somewhat impaired, but the hearing still works, so i hope you're comfortable saying whatever it is that your feeling straight to my face."
"you are a narcissistic bitch and we-" "we dont like you." derek says cutting off mandi knowing that she would go on and on insulting peter, "now shut up and help us." "fair enough."

"relax ill get more out of you if youre calm." "how do you know how to do this again?" "its an ancient ritual used mostly by alphas since its a skill that requires quite a bit of practice one slip and you could paralyze someone or kill them." "but you you have had a lot of practice though right?" "well ive never paralyzed anyone." "wait does that mean that you-" issac is cut off by peter starting the processes by inserting his nails into the back of issacs neck.
"if he kills that teenager i will kill you and then ill kill him." "hes not going to kill issac, i hope." "well then you have nothing to worry about."

"what'd you see." derek asks when peters done. "it was confusing um images vague shapes." "but you saw something?" "issac foumd them." "erica and boyd?" "i uh i barely saw them, i mean glimpses." "but you did see them?" "and worse." "deucalion." "he was talking to them something about time running out" "what does it mean?" issac asks his voice barely above a whisper.
"hes going to kill them." "no no no he didnt say that he did make them a promis that by the full moon they'd both be dead." "the next full moon?" "tomorrow night."
"i absolutly hate this stupid fucking town." mandi curses.


"i dont see anything" "look again."
mandi stood with scott derek lydia allison and stiles. "how is a bruise going to tell me were boyd and erica are?" "its the same on both sides the exact same." "its nothing."
"paraidolia. seeing patterns that arent real. its a subset of apophenia." lydia explains
"they're trying to help." "these two, this one," derek starts, pointing at lydia, "who used me to resurrect my psychotic uncle. thank you. and this one who shot aboit thirty arrows into me and my pack." "okay all right now come on. no one died alright okay there may have been a little maiming" stiles says okay a little mangeling but no death thats what i call an important distinction." "my mother died." "you familys little honor code killed you mother not me."
"can i say something?" mandi asks raising her hand like a child in school everyone turns to look at her silently telling her to continue, "allison your mom died because she followed the honor code and derek, the said psychotic uncle that lydia ressurect, is currently helping you if you really him to stay gone you couldve killed him you could still kill him. so why dont we all stop being fucking hypocritical and focus on finding erica and boyd, because everyone has made mistakes because no matter if your a werewolf or hunter or raijū or stiles and lydia everyon still has human fucking nature and everyone is going to fuck up now and then." "that girl was looking for scott, im here to help him not anyone else" allison remarks. "you want to help? find something real."
mandi watches as derek turns to leave then scott follows him stopping derek before he leaves she watches the two argue before derek finally just leaves.
"well this has been fun. alllison i hope you know i love you i just making a point. bye bye." mandi says before following derek.

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