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mandi walked around lydias party it was booming now because of scott and stiles.
"mandi here." lydia says handing mandi a red solo cup. "thank you lydia. and happy birthday." "thank you. i love your shirt i have the same one." "im sure you pull it off much better than i do." "are you kidding me. i wish i looked like that in it." "i doubt that." "please mandi you are literally the pretiest girl in beacon hills." lydia says before walking off. mandi smiles and tries to look for a familiar face while she drinks from the solo cup.
little  did she know that the drinks were laced with wolfsbane and as mentioned before it doesnt effect her like it dies werewolves so much like her younger brother mandi begins hallucinating.
now mandi didnt notice at first but then she did she noticed her 'mom' standing in the corner of the room.
"mom? mom!?" mandi runs over to where her 'mom' was standing. "How are you--how is this possible?" "youve disappointed me mandi." "what?" "you disapoint me."
mandi felt her heart shatter into a million pieces.
"you were supposed to help them but you didnt you didnt instead you made it worse."
"mom i-i-i tried." mandi stuttered her voice was wobbly
"no you didnt." 'claudia' snaps at her child.
"you didnt try dont lie to me. ypu didnt try at all." "i did mom i did."
"NO YOU DIDNT!" "mo-" "No! you didnt try at all. you are a disappointment. ypu are a failure" "nononononono" mandi mumbles. "this isnt real it cant be she wouldnt say that you wouldnt say that!"
"but i am saying it amanda im saying right now and i mean it." "no. no. no. no. nonono." "YOU ARE JUST A STUPID CHILD. you failed. no wander noone wants you. i think im glad im dead so i dont have to deal with you. God i feel bad for your dad and stiles."
"no youre not real you arent real. YOU ARE NOT REAL."
"but i am mandi and i mean every. single. word. i say-" 'claudia' begins ranting on and on and mandi tries to not listen but her mom wont shut up.
"shut up. shut up. shut up. SHUT THE FUCK UP. YOU ARENT REAL." mandi yells. "you arent real." mandi mutters. before turning and walking away in attempt to get away from the hallucination. "dont walk away from me. dont mandi. ypu cant run from the truth amanda."
mandi continues walking. "you. are. a. failure." "leave me alone." "I wish i never had ypu atleast then i wouldnt be disappointed." "stop." "i bet your dad feels the same you just ruin everything." "stop please." "if only you had died when you attempted." "stop it." "but then id have to deal with you but atleast my son and husband would be happy." "stop please stop." "or maybe it would have been best if you were never born."
mandi feel the tears running down her face. "stop mom stop im sorry i-i tried."

at the same time scott had got help from a random girl and sobered stiles.
the lights flicker on and off continuously.
"mandi. we need to find mandi!" stiles says urgently.
scott and stiles find the girl outside muttering with tears running down her face.
"i didnt mean to mom i tried. i promise i tried. stop please just stop it i said im sorry. cant you just stop."
"mandi mandi its okay look at me its okay. mandi it isnt real mandi you are fine none of its real." stiles says shaking her. "mandi please mandi-" "stiles let me try something." scott says before roaring at mandi seemingly breaking her out of the hallucination. she falls into stiles wrapping her arms around him qhile he returns the action.
"im sorry im sorry i tried stiles i tried please dont be disappointed i tried." she mumbles into his chest.
"its okay mandi no one is disappointed in you. its okay." "i failed mom. im sorry i failed her. i tried i really did i tried. im sorry im a failure im sorry." "mandi you arent a disappointment. you didnt fail her okay? you didnt. and mandi hey i love you mands." "i love you stiles even though youre a pain in the ass." stiles laughs.


mandi was still stuck in a daze even the day after. the wolfsbane had weared off but those words were still stuck in her head. she stayed in  her room while scott and stiles were busy being scott and stiles. she wouldnt talk to anyone stiles would come in and check on her shed just nod her head when he asked if she was fine.
allison had came by and tried to talk to her but mandi wouldnt budge. no one heard a word out of her.
until derek came.
"i got to say mandi even as a couch potato you look good." derek says smirking as he walks into her room.
"this isnt a couch you dumbass."
"oh. i got you to respond im already better than everyone else." "fuck off derek." "no can do." "did stiles send you." "no actually i came on my own." "how sweet of you derek." "i know im very sweet." "mhm sure you are sourwolf." "look mandi you cant stay in bed forever so get up." "and do what?" "anything. go down to the station scott stiles and your dad are there." "i dont want to get up." "i didnt ask mandi."
derek grabs mandis arm pulling her out of the bed before going over to her dresser and handing her clothes.
"go change and go to the station."

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