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*okay so im way to lazy to do the whole fight scene and all that shit sorry :(

deaton watched as the girl infront of him lazily played with the electricity on her hands. "okay mandi, i want you to try to take energy from the electricity in this room." "waht i lose control and like.....  shock you." "it hasnt happened yet mandi so keep it that way. scott has an anchor, derek has an anchor, although his is pain and anger. who or what is your anchor?" "my brother i suppose." "so think about your brother. think about your need to protect him." "okay ill try." "good."
mandi closed her eyes trying to focas both on drawing energy from the room and on the memories of her brother. unbeknownst to her it was working the lights would flicker on and off slowly as deaton watched more and more energy gather in her hands and the veins running to her hands.
"im sorry i just dont know ho-" mandi cut herself off as she opened her eyes to see that the only light was coming from the blue lightning dancing on her palms. "i did it. i did it!" she excalims a wide smile spreading across her face as deaton seems to watch something else on her face. "what? whats wrong?" "nothing your eyes are just...... white. i assumed they'd be yellow but their not." "well you did say im not like werewolves so...." "yea youre right i did say that." "okay so thats it?" "yea."


"so ms stilinski-" "please just call me mandi." "okay, mandi how are you doing? you know mentally." "um arent you a student guidance counselor." "mhm." "so why are you acting like my therapist." "do you have a therapist." "no i dont need one plus thats alot of money for them just to give me a bunch of meds to 'fix it'." "mandi i think it would be good for you to talk to someone." "about what?" "anything and everything. your feeling whether bad or good, your mental state." "look if i needed a shrink id go to one. have a good day."


"you do it as a pack your not a pack without an alpha." mandi hears derek say as she walks into the old hale house.
"we know." "you wanna go looking for another pack? how are you even going to find one." "we think we already did."
"huh?" mandi says making herself known to derek erica and boyd.
"why are you here?" derek asks mandi who stands behind two of his beta. "uh not important." she responds, "but what is important is the fact that your betas think they know were another pack is," mandi moves past erica and boyd and stands over near derek facing the two, "so spill."
"we were in the woods and then like all of a sudden we heard all this howling it was unbelievable." "there must have been a dozen of them." "maybe more."
"yea or maybe only two," derek starts, "do you know what the beau gest affect is? if they modulate their howls with rapid shift in tone, two wolves can sound like twenty."
"thats seems like alot of work." mandi mutters
"look that doesnt matter okay? theres another pack out there. theres gotta be." erica defends ignoring mandi. "we've made up our minds." "we lost, derek. and its over, we're leaving."
"no no your running and once you start you dont stop. youll always be running."
boyd and erica turn to leave at dereks words. mandi sighs and rushes to the two before the fully leave.
"do you really think its a good idea to go searching for a new pack. you have one here." "like i said we've lost. and this isnt what we signed up for." "you think any other pack is going to be differant. and i distinctly remember me and scott trying to tell you not to take the bit so really you have no one to blame but yourself." "i just wanted friends." boyd says before him and erica leave.
mandi walks back to the room dereks in.
"so why are you here." "well i had come because the guidance counselor told me i should talk to someone abouth everything." "im not a therapist." "thats good because ive decided against trauma dumping on you but i have nothing else to do soo im keeping you company." "i dont nee-" "yes you do you just lost your betas shut up." derak shakes his head before grabing a broken piece of mirror and throwing it at peter who just  appeared were erica and boyd once were. peter cathes it as mandi laughs, "today really isnt your day derek. i mean your dickhead asshole uncle coming back after everything really is a cherry ontop."
"i expected a slightly warmer welcome but point taken."
"oh im sorry are we not being very nice. what do ypu want something to drink?" mandi asks sarcasticly.
"quite a situation you got ypurself in here derek. i mean ive been out of commision for a couple weeks and suddenly theres lizard people, giariatic psychopaths, and youre cooking up werewolves out of every self esteem deprived adolescent in town."
"is there a point your getting at or are we supposed to just listen to your lovely voice for hours." mandi asks sarcastically.
"what do you want peter?" derek refrases.
"well i want to help," peter starts while walking closer to derek, "youre my nephew the only relative that i have left. you know theres still alot that i can teach you," "what like being a psychopathic monter?" mandi asks earning a glare from peter before he looks back at derek. "can we just talk?" he asks placing a hand on dereks shoulder.
"oh big mistake there." mandi says stepping back. "would you shut up already?" peter snaps at the girl who has a smirk very evident on his face. "this doesnt comcern you sweetheart so go run along. and i ask again derek can we talk." derek looks down at the hand on his shoulder. "sure lets talk."
mandis smirk grows as derek throws peter against the stairs. when he lets out a groan she starts laughing. "shut the hell up Amanda" "no fuck you." she says back to peter still laughing. peter gets up and tries to lunge at the girl only for derek to stop him and throw him again. mandi stops laighing when derek and peter actually start fighting. she was closely in case peter ends up actually hurting derek. although she really didnt need to derek was winning the fight he had thrown peter again and had kicked him in the nose effectively breaking it.
"you dont actually think i want to be alpha again do you? that wasnt my finest performance considering it ended with my death"
"then maybe you should be alpha again hopefully this time you'll stay dead." "you know amanda you are really getting on my nerves i thinking maybe i shouldve just kill-" peter cuts himself off when derek lifts him up some by his shirt and goes to punch him. "okay fine hit me, hit me. i can see that cathartic for you, your letting go of all the anger, self-loathing, and hatred that comes with total and complete failure."
"you seem to have a lot of experience there peter though thats not really surprising conisdering that you, yourself, are a failure." mandi says as she watches peter glance at her angrily but he keeps his mouth closed because he seems to have notices his nephews soft spot for the girl.
"i may be the one taking the beating, derek, but youve already been beaten." peter continues ignoring mandis comment, "so go ajead hit me if itll make you feel better. after all i did say that i wanted to help."
derek lets go of peter, "you cant help me." he says before walking away from his uncle and standing a few feet from mandi.
"no kill him hes just going to be a problem later and hes a bitch." mandi pleads with derek who simply says, "mandi im dealing with him, okay?" "okay." mandi reluctantly responds backing down some. she decided that she would trust derek to deal with peter but if peter tried anything against anyone she loved shed kill him herself.

peters back yay! i actually love peter and hate him at the same time.

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