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"see prime example right here. im not healing as fast, coming back from the dead isnt easy you know. im not as strong as i used to be. i need a pack an alpha, lile you. i need you as much as you need me." "why would i want help from a total psycho?" "first of all im not a total psycho. and by the way youre the one who slashed my throat wide open. but we're all works in progress right? so we beed eachother. sometimes when you need help you turn to people you least expect."
"seriously derek whats with you and throats?" mandi asks suppressing a laugh at the look derek gives her.
"you tried to build your pack. you tried to prepare for the worst. you werent ready because of it gerard is winning. hes taking his time. hes toying with scott. hes going after your wolves one by one. hes relishing his victory." peter continues once again ignoring mandi.
"how bout you tell me something i dont know?" "oh im going to and its going to prove why you should trust me. why you need to trust me. because im going to tell you how to stop jackson." "what do you mean you know how to kill him?" "actually how to save him."
"thats amazing peter why dont you get on with it and tell us?" mandi says annoyed. she really wanted peter to get on with this, her dad had been texting her updates of the game and the last update she had stiles was playing in the game on the field.
"theres a myth that you can cure a werewolf simply by calling out its christian name." "its just a myth." "and jacksons not a werewolf." mandi adds to dereks statement.
"sometimes myths and legends bear a hint of truth, our name is a symbol of who we are. byt the kanima has no identity thats why it doesnt seek a pack." "it seeks a master." "and who else grows up with no pack no identity?" "an orphan." "like jackson, and right now his identity is disappearing beneath the reptilian skin we need to bring him back." "how?!" "through his heart how else?!" "you know in case you hadnt noticed, jackson doesnt really have too much of a heart to begin with." "not true, he'd never admit it but there is one person. one young lady with whom jackson shared a real bond. one person who could reach him who could save him." "lydia" derek says at the same time mandi whispers the girls name.
"your best ally has always been anger derek but what you lack most is heart."
"hmm must be a family trait." mandi remarks quietly
"thats why youve always known that you need scott more than anyone. and even somebody as burned and dead on the inside as me knows better than to underestimate the simple yet undenialble power of human love."
mandi looks down at the phone that just beaped in her hand. "shit. derek i have to go."
derek looks up at the girl beside him who as an expression of panic on her face. "okay." he nods.


"i got to meet with the medical examiner and try yo figure out what happend with jackson. i got an apb out on stiles, his jeep is still in the parking lot so that means....... hell i dont know what that means. um...."
mandi watched her dad talk to scott and issac next to her. she was trying to keep it together but she was slowly failing the only way that was noticable though was her slightly quickened breathing. "look if he answers his phone, if he answers his emails. if either one of you of you see him-" "we'll call you." issac finishes for the sheriff, "and we'll call mandi."
"look hes probably just freaked out from all the attention or something. we'll find him." scott reassures. "yeah. ill see you okay?" the sheriff says before walking away to meet with the medical examiner.
"scott i dont care what you have to do find my fucking brother." mandi says before walking away. she makes it outside of the locker room before sliding down the wall and trying to calm herself. she was fully calm until she heard derek and peter in the locker room.
"we need to talk." derek starts, "all of us." peter finishes.
"holy shi......"
"fucking hell." mandi mutters walking back into the locker room.
"what the hell is this?" "you know i thought the same thing when i saw you talking to gerard at the sheriffs station." "okay hold on he threatened to kill my mom. and i had to get close to him what was i suppose to do."
"im going to go with scott on this one. have you seen his mom shes gorgeous."
"SHUT UP." mandi yells at the same time as scott and derek
"who is he?" issace asks scott. "hes peter dereks uncle. little while back he tried to kill us all. and then we set him on fire and derek slasged his throat." "hi." peter says raising his hand.
"good to know." issac mutters.
"how is he alive?" "look the short version is he know how to stop jackson and maybe how to save him."
"well thats very helpful except jacksons dead." issac says
"yeah jacksons dead it just happened on the feild." scott explains and derek and peter look at eachother.
"okay why is no ome taking this as good news?" "because if jackson is dead it didnt just happen gerard wanted it to happen." "but why." derek questions his uncle.
"well thats exactly what we need to figure out. and something tells me the window of opportunity is closing quickly."
"i dont hqve time for this shit frankly i dont give a damn why gerard wants jackson dead because my fucking brother is missing so if ypu excuse me im leaving have fun with peter scott." mandi says before leaving.

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