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mandi stood beside derek who was on the phone with scott. they were still trying to fing boyd and cora. "derek if we stand in one place we'll never catch them." "yea mandi i know im not a dumbass we-" "i beg to differ." she had healed by now and was back to her usually teasing derek self. "look we're waiting for scott." "oh funsies. do you have any candy." "why would i have candy?" "i dont know i just want candy." "Jesus christ mandi i dont have candy or any food item on me." "youre a bitch for that." "who in the hell brings candy to look for two werewolves on the night of a full moon." "any logical person." "no! no logical person would bring food!" "quit yelling, dickhead." mandi says hitting the back of dereks head, he grabs her wrist befoe looking down at her. his eyes grazed over her face admiring her features briefly stopping at her lips before continuing until his eyes finally met hers. he was entranced by them unable to look away.
mandi couldnt tear her eyes away from derek. she loved they way his eyes had danced over her face before settling on her own. she loved the fact that he still had ahold of her wrist.
his eyes flicked to her lips before back to her eyes before he found himself slowly leaning in. mandi doing the same just as their lips were about to touch scott showed up causing mandi to clear her throat and move away from derek who glared at scott and roll his eyes when scott said, "hi?"
derek was pissed that scott interrupted them even though he knew they needed to find boyd and cora a part of him hoped scott wouldve just showed up a minute later. then derek wouldve been able to kiss mandi and this time not tell her to forget it happened.


"are you okay?" "what?" "are you alright?" scott asks the girl who was almost killed by cora.
"scott go ill deal with her go help issac and derek ill catch up with you guys." mandi says and scott nods before running in the direction that issac and derek had just ran.
"hey look at me. you need to get out of these woods okay im going to help you out of theses woods and then i need to leave." "n-no my my girlfriend she i-i need to find her shes got freaked cause of the bugs and ran. i have to find her." "hey how bout i call the sheriffs office get some people down here and theyll help you find her alright?" "mhm." "okay lets do that ill stay with you untill they get here if you want." "please."


mandi walks up behind argent in the time it had taken her to find scott issac and derek they had gotten argent to agree to help them he was explaining the plan to them when mandi showed up no one was paying attention so no one saw she was there until she stepped on a twig and argent turns around his gun pointed at her her instincts kicked in and withen a second she had grabbed the gun and almost gotten it from his hands when he sweeps his leg knocking mandi off her feet. now argent wasnt aware that ut was mandi it was all hapening to fast so when mandi landed on the ground argent had his finger ready to pull the trigger. "you bitch." she curses at argent his eyes widen realizing it was just mandi he holsters the gun. "hasnt anyone ever told you not to sneak up on a hunter." "no sorry school doesnt offer supernatural classes." mandi says rolling her eyes. argent sticks his hand out for mandi to take, she smirks grabbing his hand and letting electricity run to her hand in turn shocking his. now it wasnt like his hand was burnt but the shock did cause him to abrubtly rip his hand away from hers leaving her smirking.


"the real survivors, you and i, we live in shades of gray."
"ugh do you really have to be a fucking bitch every two seconds?" mandi asks peter walking up behind derek. she had already finished her part of the plan when she heard peters voice with her heightened hearing she figured he would try to convince derek to ditch the plan, which she was right about, so she decided to go to them and make sure that didnt happen. "then again even if you did kill them your still an alpha you could alway just make more werewolves." peter continues ignoring mandis presence. she had begun to annoy him every time she talked.
"come on derek we need to get to the school." mandi says grabbing dereks hand making him look at her. peter watched as mandi began walking away and derek followed neither one breaking their hands away from the hold. if you asked peter than he would tell you that this girl was turning his nephew into her own personal little puppy dog, but no one asks peter anything so it doesnt matter.


"you let him go in?!" "he didnt give me a choice! but he'll be mandi if worse comes to worse he'll kill them." "he wont kill his sister scott." "what?" "he wont kill his sister for the same reasons peters still alive." "what? mandi what?" "cora is his sister and peters his uncle they are the only family left for him his only chance at getting anything he had befire back.  he'd die before he'd kill her scott." mandi whispers her voice softer than scotts ever heard it. "hes probably dying right now."


when issac came rushing down saying the sun came up scott quickly opened the door and him mandi and issac rush in to see boyd and cora knocked out and derek on his knees with several cuts. derek tells scott and issac to take the two betas while he deals with the teacher so while scott and issac do as he said mandi stays frozen.
"i thought you were gonna die. i have to say i was bit upset, you know considering that i never found out why its in your best intrest to keep me alive." "i highly doubt that youll ever find out." "thats a bitchy move." "mhm." "you sure you dont want me to deal with the teacher?" "no go home mandi." "okay." mandi reluctantly turns away from derek and leaves ignoring every bone thats in her body telling her to go to him and kiss him.


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