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mandi stood in the journalism class she needed to get her stuff out they had found a new teacher and mandi was no longer required to sub. she was packing up her camera when someone knocked on her door causing her to jump and derek to laugh. "youre an asshole." "mhm." "why are you here." "i was checking on the teacher who was here when everything happend." "why you never check on the civilians after something happens." "i checked on you." "thats because im amazing and you couldnt resists me." "i mean..." "okay fine derek why did you check on me." "we didnt need anymore werewolves running around." "right and thats the same reason you kissed me or was that some other reason?" mandi says setting down her camera and walking toward derek. "we agreed to forget about that." "hypocrisy isnt a good look on you derek." "oh so what is?" "why do you want to know what i think looks good on you?" "why do you think about what looks good on me?" mandi shrugs, "its need to know and you dont." "oh but i want to." "its to bad i dont care what you want." "if i said i wanted to kiss you would that statement still stand?" mandi opens her mouth to speak but is interrupted by the school doors opening and teenagers flooding in. sighing she turns back to her desk and finishes what she was doing. derek watches for a minute before leaving.


mandi walked into the building were dereks loft was. she wasnt entirely that derek was even home but she was bored and hes her only friend that isnt a highschool student. mandi felt a hand grab her throat and nails dig into her side "i think im going to stop leaving my house." mandi mutters before grabbing the arm thats around her neck and elecuting it causing the nails dig into her side even more. "stop struggling." "oh but thats the most fun part about being attacked. you get to fight back." mandi remarks but groans as the mans nails dig even deeper and his grip on her throat tightens. before she knows it the man has taken her to dereks loft and thown her inside as he growls and says, "time for a rematch." as mandi hits one of the support beams in dereks loft she sees the man pin cora against the ground and another alpha come in and fight derek.
mandi gasps when she stabs derek in the back with a medal pole. she watches as a blimd man whos presumably another alpha walks in.
"everybody done? cause just listening to that was exhausting. so lets chat." "God id rather die than sit here and listen to this." mandi mutter shiftung her body so she can put pressure against her wound. "id be happy to oblige to that." the girl who stabbed derek says. "no. dont touch her." derek says his voice raspy.
"im sorry about this derek i asked kali to be gentle but-" "this is me being gentle." kali says twisting the pole inside derek. "let-let them go." derek says trying to get air into his lungs. the blind guy motions for the other alpha to let go of cora. as soon as cora isnt pinned down she rushes tpwards derek who says, "no."
"see? we're no unreasonable." "what do you want." derek asks still gasping for breath. mandi stands up and limps to cora who, noticing mandis seemingly broken leg, helps her stand.
"what do you want? you want to kill me?" "you really think im that boring? dont through me in with sociopaths like your uncke. im a man with far more vison than simple murder. in fact im here to show you just how much vison a blind man can have."
"you just seem like a regual old asshole to me." mandi mutters. "ha! you know derek your girl's real fiesty of course i wont let that effect how i treat you." the man says
kali moves the pole again causing derek to caugh up blood.
"youre killing him!" cora yells stepping forward but mandi grabs her and pulls her back.
"not yet little sister, but i could. who knows if its five minutes or five hours. before its too late to take this thing out. but to be on the safe side duke you might want to get to the point." "now you see the one problem with being in an alpha pack. everybody wants to make the decisions. me? im more about discovering new talents.. like you." "not interested." derek huffs out. "but you havent heard my pitch." "you want me to kill my own pack." "no i want you to kill one of them do that and i wont have to ask you to kill the others, youll do it on your own. i did it ennis did kali did tell him what its like kali to kill one of your own." "mm liberating." "listen to me derek do you really want to stay beholden to a coulp of maladjusted teenagers bound to become a liability. believe me they will become a liability. in fact i have a feeling one of them is getting himself into trouble right now. we all know a pack is strongest due to its individual parts. the stronger the individual parts the greater the whole. when i lost my sight one of my betas assumed i wasnt fit for my role anymore. he tried to take it from me. killing him taught me something about alphas i didnt know they could do. his power was added to mine. i became stronger faster more powerful than id ever been. i tested this new ability to subsume the power of your own by killing another one in fact derek i killed them all. i took the individual parts and became a greater individual whole."
"thats really amazing for you congratulations your a psycho." mandi says sarcastically and deucalion laughs. "i see why you like her derek." he says before feeling dereks face, "you were right kali he looks like his mother. youll get ti know me derek. lime she did."
"i know you." derek grunts out blood falling from his lips and into the puddle already formed on the ground, "i know what you are. youre a fanatic"
"know me? youve never seen anything like me. i am the alpha of alphas. i am the apex of apex predators. i am death, deatroyer of worlds i am the demon wolf!" deucalion yells thunder and lightning flashing out side. cora hides behind a beam. while kali take the pole out of derek mandi feels the lightning from outside give her more strength she looks down at her side to see the wound gone and her leg healed.
"hat it when that happens." deucalion says befor he, kali and ennis leave. cora rushes to derek, whos on the ground now, while mandi stands, still slightly on gaurd, watching the pack leave. after theyve gone mandi takes her own place on the otherside of derek, not caring about the blood from the puddle seaping into her jeans. "come on, derek. heal you stupid asshole." mandi mutters to a passed out derek.
"he should be fine you could go if you want." "do i have to?" mandi asks slipping her hand into dereks. "i guess not." "thank you."
mandi and cora take him to a couch to lay on. and then go clean the puddle of blood. "youre clothes are ruined i'll get you something else to wear."
cora comes back out with a pair of running shorts and a t-shirt. "thanks i'll get them back to you tomorrow." "there no need for that i have several of those shorts and the shirts dereks but i dont think he'll mind." "thank you cora." "yea of course."
after changing mandi threw away her old clothes and went to check on derek who was healing but still not awake. "go home mandi when he gets up i'll tell him to go visit you." "okay goodnight cora." "goodnight mandi."


mandi sat on her bed reading a book or trying to read a book but her mind kept drifting off making it impossible.
"is that my shirt?" derek asks his eyebrows furrowed. "yea cora gave it to me. mine was ripped up and my jeans were all bloody." "oh." "you can have it back if you want." "no its fine. it looks godd on you." "thank you derek." "mhm." "is there sometjing on your mind?" "i kicked issac out." "why?" mandi asks closing her book and scotting to the edge of the bed while motioning for him to sit. "i dont want him to get hurt and you heard deucalion earlier." derek says after sitting down. "yea." "hey im sorry about you getting hurt i dont want that either." mandi smiles at this. "i can understand why you dont want your beta hurt but why would you care about me getting hurt." "its need to know mandi and you dont." derek says using her words from earlier. "and if i want to?" "if you answer my question ill answer yours." "which question would i be answering?" "you know what one im talking about mandi." "mm okay." she says before leaning in and capturing dereks lips in a kiss which he immediately returns.
"would that answer your question?" mandi asks when they pull away. derek kisses her again, "would that answer yours?" mandi smiles bfore grabbing derek and pulling him in once again. her hands rested on the back of his neck while his found her waist pulling her closer to him but then something seemed to dawn on derek.
"wait we cant im sorry." "what?" "itll just create a bigger target on your back." "i dont care." "but i do." derek stands up. "derek i can take care of myself." "not against a pack of alphas. i wont let myself be the reason you get hurt." "your hurting me right now." mandi stands up now aswell. "youll get over this but thers no getting over death." "derek-" "im sorry mandi i cant, i wont." derek turns to leave but mandi grabs his hand. "i wont get hurt." "you dont know that." derek pulls his hand away from mandi. immediately regretting it. "im sorry mandi i really am but i cant see you hurt again." "we live in fucking beacon hills its home to like every supernatural being there is! im boumd to get hurt one way or the other!" "not if i have anything to di with it."

i hate myself so much for this chapter like i if i could id punch myself in the face.

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