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mandi walks upstairs to see her dad and stiles talking. "I'm really proud of you." mandi feels a smile form on her face. her dad was genuinely proud of stiles. her smiles drops some when stiles response is more awkward then it normally is. as soon as her dad is downstairs mandi rushes over to stiles as he opens the door and they walk in. derek pushes stiles against the door, "if you say one word-" "oh you mean like 'dad derek hale in stiles room bring your gun'" mandi says cutting off derek. he let's go of stiles some. "Yea that's right if I'm harbouring you're fugitive ass it's my house my rules buddy." stiles says hitting Derek's shoulder with the back of his hand. derek looks at stiles hand.
"More like my house my rules." mandi starts as she walks over to the stiles bed, "but you get the point"
derek steps back from stiles and fixes stiles jacket stiles does the same to derek.
"Scott didnt get the necklace?" "No but there's something else we can try." stiles explains his plan to derek. while mandi sat on his bed.


"my cousin........ Miguel" "is that blood on his shirt." "yea yea he gets these horrible nose bleeds. Hey Miguel!" derek looks up at stiles and danny, "I thought i told you you could borrow one of my shirts." derek gets up and walks over to the dresser. he grabs one of stiles shirts and takes off his own.
mandi catches herself staring at him.
"uh stiles." derek says causing stiles and Danny to look at him. "this no fit"
"try a different one." stiles says as mandi notices Danny staring at derek in awe. stiles notices too and then says. "I think that one works pretty well right danny?" "it's uh not his color." mandi laughs and walks over to Danny and stiles. "swing for a different team but you still play ball don't you Danny boy?" Danny looks at mandi, "you're a horrible person." "she knows it keeps her up at night. now the text."

mandi moves back over to the bed and waits a little while later Danny finds out who it is the only problem is it was sent from ms mcalls computer.
"No that can't be right

mandi sat in the back of the jeep while stiles and derek talked to Scott on the phone. She zoned out until derek pushed stiles head into the steering wheel. "you know what that was for go." stiles gets out and walks up to rhe hospital as mandi leans forward and hits the back of Derek's head, "if you do some shit like that again I'll break into the argent house steal a wolfsbane bullet and shoot you in the head."
"No you want." "want to test that."
Derek's phone rings and he picks it up talking to stiles. mandi doesn't listen instead looking at the photos on her camera.
"WHAT?" mandi yells as derek gets out of the car mandi starts getting out to following derek.
"she's a psychotic hitch who's helping you kill people." derek says before looking at stiles. "get out of the way."
"oh damn" stiles crouches down. and then derek and peter start fighting. "stiles get your ass over here!" mandi yells to her younger brother as she makes her way behind the nurses desk.


mandi sits on the couch reading a book while her dad works on one of his cases. stiles comes down and notices him.
"watcha doin" "work." "anything I can help with." "yk if you poured me an ounce of whiskey thatd be awfully nice."
mandi watches as stiles grabs the whiskey and a cup before he sits down next to their dad.
"any leads?" "You know I can't discuss that stuff with you."
mandi watches as stiles pours an entire glass of whiskey and her dad downs it.
she laughs as her dad spills everything about the case. She laughs and goes back to her book. this goes on for awhile.
mandi nearly cries when her dad says, "You know I miss talking to you." "dad sorry I have to make a phone call." "I do I miss it." just as stiles is about to call the person their dad says, "and I miss you're mom." mandi watches as stiles freezes, "what you say?" their dad goes to pour another drink but stiles stops him. "thanks." their dad mutters. mandi watches as stiles stares at their dad. She eventually get up and goes to her room. She sits on her bed and feels the tears run down her cheeks.

drink water
love youxxxxx

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