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mandi sat in her room thinking about the night peter had killed kate and derek killed peter so he could become the alpha. She also decided it would be best to start icing her fist because her knuckles where now bruised. She grabbed one of her books and sat on her bed until someone comes through the window. mandi grabs her gun and points it at the person. only to see it's derek.
"I almost shot you. you dumbass." "but you didn't." "why are you here." "I heard my uncle practically kidnapped you and stiles just making sure you're okay." "I'm fine my knuckles are bruised but I'm fine." "why-" "I punched peter three times." "mandi that's stupid." "I know shut up."
"can I see?" mandi takes the ice off her hand and shows derek. He gently takes her hand and looks at it. before chuckling.
"you're an idiot mandi." "shut up I know." he smiles and they just sit there silently looking at eachother.
"why'd you do it." "what." "derek why did you do it?" "I..... don't know."
it's silent again until derek says he has to go and as he's leaving he decides to look at her once more this time with his other eyes. She wasn't paying attention but he looked at her and there was some sorta blue aura thing around her.
what the fuck.


mandi walks into the hospital and sees stiles sleeping by lydias room.
"he's been here all night?" Mr Martin asks melissa. "he's been there all weekend." mandi says walking up to the two, "and I brought you lunch." She says talking to Melissa now. "thank you mandi." "of course Melissa."
a few minutes later mandi and stiles went to go get candy from the vending machine.
the candy wasn't coming out though and so stiles tried to shake it and end up making it fall over.
"good job buddy-" mandi gets interrupted by a blood curdling scream. "what the fuck." her and stiles run to lydias room. only she wasnt there or anywhere and the window was open.


"okay lets get an apb out on a 16 year old red head," the sheriff says to his deputy, "any other descriptions?"
"5'3, green eyes, fair skin, and her hair is not red its strawberry blonde." stiles says to his dad causing mandi to chuckle. their dad grabs the back of stiles' neck and pulls him away from the deputy and nurses, stiles grabs mandis arm pulling her with him.
"what the hell are you two still doing here." "i have no idea why im here but i am a full grown adult so why does it matter?" "uh, providing moral support." stiles answers when his dad ignores mandi and looks at him.
"uh huh, okay. now how bout you provide your ass home, where you are supposed to be. and mandi find sometging to do thats not in a damn hospital." "sure." "yea- we can do that."

mandi and stiles walk to the jeep where scott sits. stiles hands scott lydias hospital gown, who asks if its definitely the one she was wearing and stiles says it was and for scott to smell it and then as stiles goes to leave allison stands infront of the car. she gets in saying that her dad and other hunters just left her hous in 3 black suvs. and that shes coming because lydias her bestfriend. to be honest mandi did not give a crap so she stopped listening.
lydias scent led to the hale house where scott got cought up in a trip wire trap from allisons dad when mandi and stiles got home stiles talked to his dad about the grave robbery that happened only the robber didnt steal jewelry he or she stole the liver of the person.
and stiles is assuming the robber is lydia


mandi had got a call from stiles saying to go to the crime scene their dad was at but to meet stiles in the woods so she did although she was a bit confused because stiles and scott were supposed to be hiding in the woods watching kates funeral but they were here at a crime scene. why? lydia. that girl is really starting to cause problems.
mandi was ripped out of her thoughts when her dad grabs her and stiles saying, "sneaking onto a crime scene  really?" "we werent really on it we were sneaking near it." stiles tries and earns a look from their dad so mandi tries a different approach,  "dad youve known us our entire lives you really think we are going to change?"
their dad opens his mouth to respond but stiles sees lydia and then so does everyone else


"wait so issac's a werewolf?" "mhm." "his dads dead? suspected murder?" "mmhmm." "and you guys want to try and make issac a suspect so hes in a cell for 24 hours because of the full moon." "yep." "thats a stupid idea." "are you gonna help?" "yes."


now in the time that manfi had left the two idiots they got sent to the principals office. the principal being gered, allisons grandpa, a hunter. not great.
and the only reason mandi knows is because Mr. Harris seems to like mandi, which creeps mandi out, but helped her this time because he had a student go to the teachers lounge and give her a note that said,

Miss stilinski your brother and his friend were acting up in class and sent to the principals office. just thought ypu might want to know. ;) <3

-Mr Harris

mandi cumbled the not up and threw it away before going to the principals office.
"Mr. Argent im so sorry to barge in it just i was notified my brother got in trouble and i just want to see how much you know i dont want them calling my dad and upsetting him if its no big deal." mandi says walking into the office where stiles and scott sit across from gerad. "yes well unfortunately one of them has to stay for detention." gerad says his eyes falling on stiles scott also looks at stiles who just sighs.


mandi sat in the jeep with stiles and derek who were arguing about derek going inside to distract the deputy.
"oh my God will you two shut the fuck up. derek go do whatever youre going to do." mandi says and the two listen.

erek distracts the deputy as stiles and mandi sneak into their dads office.
they found the lock box but the keys werent in it a man took them and then threatened stiles and mandi with a needle then they pulled the fire alarm grabbed the keys and went to unlock issacs cell but it was already wide.
"shit run stiles." mandi says
her and stiles try to hide and end up seperated. issac begins to run at mandi making her curl up into a ball but just as issacs about to get to mandi derek roars causing issac to wimper and go back to human. derek grabs mandis arm and helps her up. before leaving with issac.
so when the sheriff comes running in he sees his two kids and a knocked out mess.
"ah shit." mandi mutter as her dad looks pissed

okay a couple things
1. sorry i havent updated i was on my other account and just logged back in
2. its season two yay!!!
3. i cant make the moodboards and stuff for this season yet cause itll give away what mandi is.
4. yes i mandi will be supernatural i have it all planned out so yall will find out what she is soon enough.

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