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mandi stands beside lydia and allison the bus had stopped at a motel because the track meet was being pushed until tomorrow everyone was walking off to their rooms but lydia wasnt moving. "lydia?"
"i dont like this place." "i dont think the people who own this place like this place its just for a night." "alot can happen in one night." lydia and mandi say at the same time.

mandi stands with lydia trying to get new towels cause theirs smell like nicotine. lydia asks about the number on the wall mandi wasnt listening she didnt like this place something about it didnt sit right with her.
"sincing opening, more than any other motel in California, we habe the most guest sucides." the woman at the desk says with a smile. "198?" lydia asks. "and counting." the lady says with a sickly laugh.
"hey lyds lets go back to the room, yeah?" mandi asks grabbing lydias arm and pulling her away from the desk and towards the room that was shared between lydia, allison, and mandi.

"198?" "yes and we're talking 40 years on average thats 4.95 a year which is actually expected but who commemorates that with a framed number who does that who?" "all sucides?" "yes. hanging, throat cutting pill popping both barrels of a shotgun in the mouth sucides." "can you call your dad back and tell him to pick us up?" "no mandi-" "did you hear that?" lydia asks suddenly. "hear what?"
lydia steps onto the bed and towards the vent. "lydia?" "oh my God. oh my God." lydia whispers
"what is it lydia what happened?" "did you hear that?" "hear what." "the two people in the other room they shot eachother." lydia says before running to the door. mandi and allison follow her. lydia stops befor a door that reads 216. she opens it and walks in while mandi tries her best to use her powers to get the lights to come on but its like theyre gone. lydia finds a construction lamp and turns it on she begins to talk to allison but mandi stands in the doorway still searching for her powers that seem to have left her.

mandi sits on the bed while lydia tries to convince allison to leave the motel. allison and lydia leave the room for something and mandi still sits on the bed trying anything for her powers to come back she didnt understand what was happening.
"mandi." "huh lydia is that you." "mandi why would you lie to me." "who the fuck is there i swear to God ill kill you." "you and your brother already did you two were what killed me and all i ever was was a good mom." "this isnt real." "yes its is mandi." " no its not leave me alone leave me alone youre dead youre dead." "but im real mandi." "no no no no."
mandi gets up and walks out of the room she wasnt sure where she was hoing she just started walking. "dont walk away from me amanda i am your mother." "no my moms dead shes dead youre not real youre not real leave me alone leave me alone." "i loved you mandi why did you lie to me why all i ever did was take care of you and your brother i loved you two but you lied to me why?" "stop it make it stop go away please." "you know how to make it stop you failed last time but you can do it this time" "no no stop-" "only you can make it stop amanda so make it stop. you know how." "no no no no no. stop stop stop stop." "you can make it stop amanda if thats waht you want make it stop let go of everything."
mandi felt her body go into a trance she had no control over her body. so when she began walking she had no idea where she was going. 'its okay mandi you got this just stop walking just stop walking. why cant i stop walking i dont want to die i cant leave stiles stop walking damn it.' mandi told her self in her head, 'may-maybe its like when scotts transforming so i need an anchor. who's my anchor? stiles. stiles, wheres stiles? holy shit this isnt working. okay calm down. just think. oh! derek told issac erica and boyd to his pain as an anchor so pain. use pain mandi.'
mnadi felt her nails digging into her palm soon enough it wasnt her nails it was her claws the deeper they dug the more she felt the trance lifting.

stiles runs after ethan with lydia and allison but stops when he sees his sister in the hallway blood dripping from her hands. "mandi what the hell. what happened." "im fine i dont know what happened though i-i-" "its okay come on stay with me okay?" "okay."
mamdi follows stiles as he catches up to lydia and allison who were behind ethan.

"didnt you hear what i just said? i dont know how i got there or what i was doing." ethan says as he goes down the stairs the group following him. "okay you could be a little bit more helpful you know. we did just save your life." "and you probably shouldnt have." ethan responds to stiles before turning and walking away.
"what now?" lydia asks. "ill find Scott. you guys grab issac and boyd. the best thing we can do is get them out of this place." allison says going back upstairs.
lydia goes to follow but stops when she feels stiles eyes on her. "what why are you looking at me like that." "oh no i wasn-" "stiles." "alright lydia i didnt want to say anything but this everything we're going through. we've  kinda been through something like this before alot like this" "what do you mean? when?" "your birthday party the night you poisoned everyone with wolfsbane"

"maybe your somehow involved  in getting people to kill themselves you know? which now that i say that out loud it just sounds really terrible. so im just going to stop talking." mandi follows behind stiles who follows lydia while explaining his theory.
"stiles so you hear that?" "what?" mamdi watches as lydia crouches down to the grate on the ground.
"lydia what what do you hear." "a baby crying."

hey so ik i havent updated in a bit but i was on my other account and i forgot to log in here lol i didnt finish this chapter but im posting it because ill just finish that episode in the nnext chapter.
thank you for reading my story.
love you!

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