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A/n: SEASON 3 WHOO also ty sm for 4.07k reads i love you all and i promise you hmheyme i will get you that chemistry eventually. :)

mandi sat in the back of lydias car. allison sat in the front passenger seat.
"it is not a triple date it is a group thing." "do they know its a group thing cause i told you im not ready to get back out there." "you were in france and didnt do any dating for four months?" "did you? i mean after-" "do not say his name." "is he okay i mean did everything work out." "well the doctors looked like total idiots when he turned up alive but everyone got over it. and yes derek taught him the werewolf 101 like how not to randomly kill people during a full moon." mandi stoppes listening to the two instead zoning out.
"yes it is a triple date its not an orgy. youll live AND itll help mandi with getting over her attraction to derek." lydia says snapping mandi out of her trance. over the four months allison had been gone mandi and lydia had gotten close and mandi might have let it slip she has a thing for him but lydia wasnt supposed to say anything about it.
"i do not have a thing for derek lydia shit up. oh! and however im supposed to be hanging out with better be of age because i will NOT go to jail for pedophilia." mandi says as they pull up to a red light. the duo infront of her getting lost in a conversation again while mandi zoned out picking at the sleeve of her sweater.
"oh my God oh my God oh my God i cant see him not now." allison exclaims and mandi snaps out of her trance again. "oh what impeccable timing my brother has this'll be fun." mandi mutters trying to hold in a laugh as allison urges lydia to go but lydia refuses because the light was still red.
"hey!" stiles yells out of scotts window making mamdi burst out laughing and lydia speed forward running the red light.
"hes a dumbass." mandi says through laughs.
"you alright?" lydia asks softly glancing at allison before glaring at mandi who was still chuckling.
"oh right sorry um.." mandi starts, clearing her throat in attempt to cover the laugh up, "y-yea are you all right?"
allison just shrugs. they drive for a few seconds before allison turns around and says, "lydia stop we need to go back and talk to them" so lydia stops her car before turning in her seat.
"they stopped to." "why would they stop?" "its stiles and scott do you really wanna try applying logic to those two?" "dont. it never works trust me on that." mandi interjects, "maybe we should go back-"
just as allison finishes her sentance a moose rams head on into lydias car causing all three girls to scream loudly as the moose shatters the windsheild sending glass flying around the car. mandi covers her face with her arms on instinct.
allison and lydia quickly get out of the car but mandi sits frozen staring at the moose dead in the windsheild.
"are you hurt?" stiles asks lydia who shakes her head. stiles then runs to the backseat door and grabs mandi pulling her out of the car.
"are you okay." mandi still feels frozen with shock. "mandi are you okay." stiles shakes her lightly effectively pulling her out if her shocked state. "i-im fine. what the hell just happened. it ran right into the car that doesnt make sense." "yea i know."


"you know how many vehical collisions last  year involved a deer? 247,000." "oh God please go to school." "but thats crissing the road this one last night came right down the middle."
"stiles stop. dad tell stiles to stop and be anormal teenager." "mandi i love you but i know how to parent." "eh." "i raised you!" "yea no. i dont want stiles turning out like me- hell i dont want anyone turning out like me."
"whats wrong with turning out like you?" stiles asks momentarily stopping his research to look at his older sister, with furrowed brows. "a lot stiles." "i- dont have the time or patience to correct you right now but just know that youre wrong." stiles says before turning back to his laptop.
"go to school. im not gonna beg you." the sheriff says to his son who responds with, "good im impervious to your influence anyway." "would you consider a bribe?" "ypu couldnt meet my price." "extirtion?" "you got nothing on me." "yeah."
mandi watches as their dad results to pulling stiles' chair away from the desk while stiles continues to try and reach for his computer.
"dad what are you doing? dad what are you doing. aahh." stiles groans as he falls out of his chair and onto the floor.
"well thats one way i guess." mandi mutters to herself before standing up and going to walk out of the room following her dad. "mandi!" stiles calls causing her to stop at his door. "i am going to change your mind on what you said earlier, just not right now- but i will later." "yea i know." mandi says with a small smile before completely leaving her younger brothers room.

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