Chapter 2

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His parents couldn't stop crying at the sight of him awake.

His mother was still wearing her baby blue dress cut just below the knee, and his father his white, button-up shirt and dark blue trousers. Both their clothes were dirty with dried mud in some places more than others. Yet his father rubbed a hand up and down his mother's arm, focused solely on calming both of them down.

The sight of their heartbreaking relief hurt just as much as his injuries. Injuries that, little by little, claimed more of his attention. His face betrayed his wish to stay unfaced for his parents and soon the doctor was leaning over him once more.

- From one to ten, show me with your left hand how high your pain is right now. -

Everyone quieted at that moment. Jungkook glanced at his parents and saw their worry, but he couldn't lie if he wanted the pain to be gone. Yet, maybe he deserved it.

At that moment, his angel took a step forward, drawing his gaze over to him. He looked like he wanted to warn him against something, and he couldn't only think of one thing. So, he lifted his shaking, left hand and showed them all five fingers before closing his hand, sighing, and lifting three more.

The doctor turned to his nurse and, as they began talking, his parents looked at them.

But Jungkook, only able to move his eyes, looked toward the corner.

His guardian angel looked back at him with a gentle smile. But Jungkook wanted to hear what he was thinking, to listen to his voice again. However, that was impossible now.

Jungkook wondered where he came from and where was the library he had mentioned, but something told him it was noplace on earth. With magic and beauty like this, he could only have come from heaven.

He'd given him his voice. He'd given him his life back. Knowing all the concecuences, he still chose to surrender a part of himself. Jungkook didn't know how, but he promised, right then and there, that he will return this selfless act one day.

- Alright. Jungkook. Pay attention to me. - Upon the doctor's request, Jungkook turned his eyes back to him. - I'm going to need you to play a little game with me, it's called "Freeze". In this game, I'm a wizard and I just put a freezing charm on you and the only way you'll be able to move again is by being the best statue ever. You think you can win? - He smiled down at him, his brown eyes looking very gentle.

Jungkook didn't want to dismiss his kindness, but he was not like other boys his age. So, with drying tears on his face, he swallowed so he could speak. At once, he knew he would only be able to say a word or two and hoped his father, as usual, would be able to explain.

- ...why? - He whispered.

The doctor's smile dropped a bit.

- Why what? Did you understand me? - At once, his hand moved to his robe's pocket, seeming to grasp something. But his father spoke up.

- He's asking why he has to be still. - The doctor turned to him. - He always asks "why". And he understands; he's very smart. If you tell him about his injuries and everything that'll have to be done, it'll be easier for him to be still. -

Even now, his father believed him to be smart. A new tear fell from the corner of his eye.

The doctor turned back to look down at Jungkook, his eyebrows slightly raised.

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