Chapter 6

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The day went on smoother than he'd hoped. Since his mother had already swept and mopped the floors before waking him, they sat in the living room. His father worked on some papers, his mother crocheted something new and he read the newspaper aloud to her. Then they all went to the kitchen once it was nearing time for lunch, to prepare things for a picnic.

They had it in the park and they never once made him feel forced to look over his shoulder. His mother held his left hand while his father pushed his chair toward their favorite table in the park, closest to the sidewalk and next to a tree. His work that day was to relax away the threatening feeling he felt by giving his back to the forest. But it was only when the sky was turning orange and his mother told them how grateful she was for that morning's conversation that he finally managed it.

As they went back home, his father remembered aloud how his classes would start that month. Jungkook's eyes widened when he remembered too. He had forgotten he would be starting middle school.

He'd graduated elementary just a month or so before. It all felt like a different life; something that wasn't part of him anymore. He thought of classes, bullies, and trying to get friends, and felt tired almost immediately. Also, the thought of leaving his parents for hours at a time was unbearable.

- Couldn't I study from home? - He grimaced. The sky was still lit with colors as his parents walked slowly toward the house.

His father's walk didn't hesitate as he asked him, a bit worriedly,

- Why? I thought you were excited about starting a new school. -

He could feel his mother's stare from his left side, worried as well.

He turned his head towards the neighborhood. Looking in the direction of the cemetery.

- I was. - He paused. - I just don't feel the same anymore. The thought of it bores me. To sit around all day, listening about things I already know, being scolded for not paying attention when I was just doodling to pass the time... And then having to choose between being "friends" with kids that like things I don't or being alone and bullied for it. I even find it boring, the thought of being bullied. - Sighing, he turned his head to look up at his mother. - I know Doctor Robert said I might get my cast off this Saturday, but even if I do, couldn't I just stay in the house until I don't have to use crutches? It would still count as recovering. -

- I don't think it's the best idea. - Answered his father. His mother turned to look at him, but he could only look straight ahead with a frown. - If you go on the first day, there'll be more chances of you finding friends because your classmates would barely know each other, if at all. I think you should take advantage of that. -

- I don't think you understood what I said. -

His father ruffled his hair.

- You have to go to school, Mr. Talk-back. - He said with a smile. - We already talked about this. -

- Blah, blah, blah. - He rolled his eyes and his mother laughed but gently slapped his shoulder. - I won't go until I'm healed. I prefer them talking about me missing the first few weeks than trying to steal my crutches, thank you. - He said sarcastically. But his mother didn't laugh this time, and neither did his father.

- Let me think about it. -

Jungkook breathed again.

- Thank you. - Now, it was sincere.

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