Chapter 11

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A girl in the third row closest to the wall slapped a hand to her mouth and sat back down, looking excited. Others smiled wider. Some of the boys to his right answered to his good morning with cheerful expressions.

He truly couldn't understand what brought this on. But he would have to think about that later.

Maybe his angel could tell him something that would finally calm him down tonight.

Before the teacher could say anything else, the bell rang and all the students began to organize their things in their bags, some doing it quicker than others.

- Remember to tell Jungkook about the homework and someone please help him get to your next class. - Then he turned to Jungkook on his left and smiled down at him. - If you need anything, I'm teacher Dave, alright? -

Jungkook nodded a bit stiffly, his stomach filled with excitement and fear.

- Thank you. - He said and extended his right automatically. With a jolt of the heart, he noticed a girl stopped to his left.

The teacher smiled wider down at him but reached out his left hand. Without a need for explanation, Jungkook chuckled and nodded again, feeling grateful, and held the papers with his right hand so he could shake his teacher's hand with his left one. It felt slightly off to shake hands with the left, but then again, it was a nice thing for them to do.

- See you later, Jungkook. - He then nodded to the girl beside him. - You're going to help him, Dorothy? -

- Yes, sir. - She said at once and Jungkook finally turned to look at her.

She was really pretty, with curly, blond hair held away from her face by an orange headband, the same color as her dress, and her eyes were a striking blue. But she wasn't the only girl around him. Nor the only person. In fact, it looked like most of the class was waiting to take him away.

He took a deep breath as the teacher was saying his last goodbyes and then, quite immediately, Dorothy took him by his right arm and hooked their elbows together.

- Come on, Life Science is in another building and we only have five minutes. - She announced, dragging him to the door.

His breathing got quicker. It was the first time a girl was grabbing him like this or even the first time a girl was willingly this close to him. And it wasn't only her.

- Do you need to use the men's room? This would be the time to do it. - Another girl to his left said, holding his shoulder and, even though she was asking him a question, she was also wondering out loud.

He didn't get to answer before a guy jumped in, literally, in front of him from somewhere to the right as they all continued to walk on through the corridor.

- The men's room's this way, but there's another one in the next building. - He offered Jungkook as his brown eyes looked directly into his without flinching and walking backward without fear. - My name's Mike, by the way. - He smiled.

Jungkook nodded, his breath caught in his throat not only because of the attention but because he could feel his legs weren't going to last at Dorothy's pace.

Quickly, he shook his head.

- I don't need it, thank you. Could we... - He turned to Dorothy but the moment she looked into his eyes so closely, he looked away. - Could we go slower? I can't go so fast. Sorry. - He was almost muttering and, quite frankly, a second away from breaking into a cold sweat from having all these strangers so close to him.

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