Chapter 18

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Jungkook had always been used to time moving slowly around him. He knew how boredom made the days seem longer, making him feel every second passing by. What was foreign to him was finding himself decorating the Christmas tree with his parents while still feeling stuck somewhere around June. As if time inside him had stopped the moment he fell from that cliff while the world moved on.

But there were many things to be happy about. One was his father's month-long vacation before starting Phase Two of whatever marvelous cure he was creating. Then, his mother's recent meetings with wife Mary. She'd told them it was only to help the older woman on the days her sons couldn't. But he and his father liked to think she was starting to take her dream of owning her own more seriously.

There was also the fact that his friends were only getting better at school and thus happier. Jack also hadn't tried anything hurtful besides verbal fights with many people. And the pair of them had met twice, one month after their first, behind the bathrooms of the soccer field so Jack could "dump his feelings," as he'd called it.

Jungkook wished he could've done more. But, as everyone -including his angel- kept reminding him, there was only so much he could do.

If it wasn't for his angel's happiness reaching him through their mysterious bond, some days could've simply passed by him without his notice. Because, as happy as some things were and as grateful as he could be, something in him was still stuck.

On the last day of school, before their month of winter vacation, no teacher taught a single lesson. Every classroom they went to was a new party with more food they'd each brought from their homes and more games to play together. Everyone played except Jack, who preferred to stay by the food and watch. Then, on one of the many glances Jungkook threw at him, Jack touched the corner of his mouth, and Jungkook nodded to nothing in particular.

Once class was over at midday and they could all go home, his friends showered him with hugs, kisses, and pats on the back with promises to meet in January with their brains empty. He laughed with them and almost cried, still not believing he had friends. And, knowing his father would pick him up at two o'clock at his request, he went to the administration offices to give his merry Christmas.

He hadn't taken too much time before rounding the corner to the back of the bathrooms on the soccer field, yet he was sure Jack would be angry for making him wait (not that he cared anyway). However, that didn't happen.

He expected to find Jack leaning against the red brick wall, his arms folded and frowning. Instead, Jungkook had to look down at where Jack was sitting.

His legs were straight in front of him, his arms slumped by each side, and if he hadn't been visibly breathing, Jungkook would've thought he was dead with how lifeless his face looked.

Without caring for the rain he knew would fall soon, Jungkook slowly reached Jack and sat by his side, not taking his eyes away from this anomaly.

It worried him. He looked defeated.

- I asked him. - Jack said to the white wall in the distance, the limit of the school. - I asked him if you could come. -

Jungkook jolted. The idea he had on the day they first spoke was what Jack was referring to. His heart raced at the thought.

- What did he say? - Jungkook nearly whispered.

But Jack's answer stopped his ideas.

- He said I won't have time for friends. -

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