Chapter 5

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The Answer

They didn't go to the park that day. Nor did he get better than the day before.

The only reason his parents didn't call an ambulance was because he managed to calm down after being violently sick. Instead of taking him to bed, they took him to his bathroom where his mother helped him wash up. But he asked her to do it with a bucket and a rag instead of opening the shower.

It was still daytime, but he chose to wear his pajamas. They laid him in the middle of his wide bed and asked him something they'd never had to ask before. They asked if they could lay with him for a while. It was only because he was so tired that he didn't tear up as he nodded. And they laid with him, being so careful that he almost couldn't feel them at all.

- Closer. - He asked them with a slight frown.

They did and finally hugged him like they usually did. After a while, his father spoke from somewhere over his head.

- I don't know if I should've done what you asked. -

- I don't think you should've. Not so soon. - His mother replied. But he frowned between them.

- The problem was not what you did. It's how you reacted. -

- What do you mean? - His father asked. The frown he wore was audible in his voice.

Jungkook took a deep breath, and let it go.

- Don't panic if I'm panicking. It'll only make me panic even more. I would've been able to calm down if you two would've been calmed. But I'm not blaming you, please. I know it's hard, I would've done the same if it was you. So just try next time. And, if it doesn't work, we'll try again. But please, let's keep trying. I don't want to live my life afraid of something. - A traitorous tear slid from the corner of his eye, but that was it.

His mother hugged his torso a bit tighter to her, his father brought the side of his head closer to his chest before kissing it.

- I promise I'll try. - His father's voice was thick with emotion. - We know what to do, son, don't worry. This week will be different. -

That struck a chord in his memory. The conversation they tried to have that breakfast about what had happened in the doctor's office resurfaced at that moment.

- What will you do? - He asked, confused.

And his mother answered.

- Doctor Robert gave us the contact of a friend of his. She knows what to do to help you. -

He blinked his eyes open. Staring at the ceiling, unwilling to let himself stress again.

He spoke as calmly as he could.

- Is this friend of his a professional in a field surrounding mental struggles by any chance? -

- Yes. - His father answered, he sounded optimistic.

- I don't want it. - Jungkook replied at once.

- I don't think that's your call, son. - He said, calmly.

Jungkook took a deep breath.

- If you want to ask her how to stay calm when I need you to, go ahead. I won't talk to her. - His voice was becoming more severe.

- Let's meet her first, alright? - His mother muttered against the other side of his head.

He will never, ever, talk to a psychologist or psychiatrist. Not when he could see a person no one else could. And also,

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