Chapter 8

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It was the next day when he was able to talk with his angel about it. After a gentle Sunday with his parents where they spent most of their time in the park, he felt relaxed when he sat to read on his bed at night. His parents went back downstairs and he read another chapter of The Three Musketeers, wishing he had such brotherhood. Then, once he was done, he turned towards his angel.

And then flinched back with a startled laugh.

He hadn't realized how close his angel was until he turned to look at him. If he had been solid, their noses would've bumped. His angel noticed his mistake and laughed a completely silent laugh as he pushed himself away. Lifting both hands in the air, he calmed down enough to say,

"Sorry." Then, he motioned between his eyes and the book on Jungkook's lap. "I was reading."

Jungkook's head tilted to one side, his lips still shaped in a smile. They had read before, but only because he told him to read with him. This time, he'd been reading on his own.

- Do you like to read? - His angel nodded. - What kind of books? Aside from mine and those you're not allowed to read. -

His angel gasped, looking playfully indignant, and began to talk back so fast that Jungkook didn't catch anything he was trying to say.

- Wait, wait. - Jungkook laughed quietly. - You're talking too fast. -

His angel rolled his eyes to the ceiling dramatically. Then, tried again.

"I like history."

Jungkook laughed.

- That's not at all what you were ranting about. -

His angel greeted his teeth with a smile and moved forward as though he wanted to push him. But he stopped before his hands went right through him.

"Whatever." His angel said, exaggerating it.

Jungkook's smile was so sweet, that even he could tell his eyes looked warm.

- You're so happy today. - He noted with delight, feeling like his day just got ten times better.

His angel's smile turned a little shy as he lowered his head. Nodding, he lifted it again. His smile grew as if there was something he wanted to tell him but was unsure he should.

- What? - Jungkook asked, excitedly.

Finally, it burst out of him.

"We have a way. A trail, a road, a path we have to follow." His hands lifted to his hair as if his excitement was too great for him. "I found the trail. It was me. And all six of us are meant to walk up the same hill." He hugged his torso and shook his head. "In a few hours, we start the journey to the top. And then we'll receive our ****."

- Your what, sorry? - He barely understood anything.


- Prophecy? -

His angel nodded. "And I'm so nervous." He admitted, shrinking into himself a little.

- Is it dangerous? - Jungkook worried, thinking back on what his angel had been obliged to do before.

His angel looked away, thinking as he bit his bottom lip. When he released it, he told him.

"It could be. Prophecies are given to the next leaders and only three of us are leaders by blood." He looked back at him. "Leaders are like... the next to receive the throne. But I'm not... I mean, why me? I'm... afraid of what it might say about me." And he looked it too. Now that he had to think about it, his nerves had turned to fright.

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