Chapter 24

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Hold On


When February nine arrived, Jungkook was not as confident as he'd hoped. It was the day his plan with Mabel was going to be executed and yet he feared something would go wrong. Since he spoke with his angel the night before, he started to doubt.

He started to doubt whether he was the best person for the job after all.

However, he'd promised Jack he would never tell anybody else what he'd told him, and seeing how he'd broken that rule once already, he was not keen to do so again by giving his mission to someone else. Even then, who would it be?

Therefore, he squared his shoulders when the bell to signify the end of lunch rang loudly all around the school. Lizy and Dorothy to each side of him stood up to let him move. Once they'd left their empty trays on the tray holders and their bags were securely on their shoulders, they made their way over to the art building whilst giving his last wave of the hand towards Mike.

Jungkook took in a tense breath and felt his stomach burning with nerves. He wasn't even sure why. All he worried about was the meaning behind Jack's sudden lack of... life. Jack was doing absolutely nothing more than going to school, staying quiet, and going back to his house. If something worse had happened, Jungkook needed to know so he could tell old friend John. And whether or not Jungkook had his reasons, Jack needed a friend.

Dorothy untangled their arms and held his hand, intertwining their fingers. At once, he knew she'd noticed his nerves and sighed silently. However, Lizy somehow heard and immediately stopped talking to Irene.

- Is something wrong? - She asked in his direction.

Without looking around at her, he shook his head.

- Nothing, really. Just tired. -

- Oh. Could I do something about it? - She offered, sweetly. Her hand held his even tighter.

Having a girl on each hand was truly not as wonderful as comics on store windows make it seem. For one, they notice what he doesn't want them to. And, for another, they always want to help.

It shouldn't be irritating. But he really wanted to be left alone sometimes.

- I don't think so, but thanks. - He declined her offer with a smile and he let go of both girls so he could open the classroom door for all three of them.

The first time this happened, he let go of Dorothy's hand and felt guilty for the rest of the class. The second time, he let go of Lizy so he could make it even. But even though none of them ever spoke about it, he figured it would simply be best if he let go of the pair of them.

One day, he'll talk to them about their group of three. One day, he'll ask the rest of his friends why none of them even comment on it. He swears, that one day, he will. But he can only focus on one thing at a time and, depending on how hurt his own feelings were by the end of his meeting with Jack, his tutoring lesson of that afternoon might be put off, meaning that he'll have to do too many more things to fix it.

One thing at a time.

- I'm so sorry to disturb you, but can I please borrow Jungkook for a moment? -

Jungkook's head snapped up from his bag when he heard his name, just in time to find Mrs. King waving a hand for him to hurry. He looked over at the door, found Mabel waiting for him on her usual dark blue dress, and rushed to get all his stuff back inside.

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