No holds barred

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"Thanks guys for coming,your doing a three day event soon are you looking forward to it?"
"We love to perform for our fans they support us wholeheartedly," Rm said
"You've all been together for a long time is there anything that annoys you about each other and if so how do you sort it?"
"We all know each other inside out so if we had a problem we would say and sort it," Jin smiled
A snort of disbelief came from Jimin which the interviewer picked up on while the rest looked at him.
"Jimin you disagree?"
The small male looked at the others then plastered a fake smile on his face.
"Oh er I was just remembering the time my pals didn't let me know that when I thought I was being helpful they found it a bit clingy and juvenile so they didn't tell me lots of things..."
Jungkook gulped and stared at the small male,shit the others were going to kill him.
"Really?...didn't that make things awkward?"
RM looked worriedly at Jimin who stared back then spoke.
" let me know how to change,I was in this cocoon where I had an image of how things were when really I needed to grow up and live in the real world,which is a work in progress..." he gave a small laugh as if he'd got over it.
"Wow,you guys hold no prisoners! Still you're all still here so the way you sort things out works.what do you guys think of Jimin now?"
"I've always had respect for Jimin he has an amazing work ethic and is essential to the group" RM said sincerely making Jimin nod a thanks to him.
"Poor Jimin used to be the brunt of your scoring too didn't he in order of appearance.."
"Of course it was never done to hurt anyone,Jimin knew it was a joke...,didn't you Jimin ?" Tae asked
Jimin put a surprised look on his face ,
"It was?!? Gosh I was seriously considering getting plastic surgery!!!..."again he laughed but those that knew him well knew it was fake.
Jimin saw the others looked uncomfortable with his answers and much as he wanted them to hurt like he did he couldn't do it.
"Next week we are picking on RM for his snoring ..." he told the interviewer,laughing properly this time.
RM gave a genuine smile," I thought it would be for my clumsiness!!"
"No that's a lost cause !" Jimin said sassily making everyone laugh.
Jimin then sat back letting the others talk but he could feel someone looking at him and when he looked up he saw Jungkook staring at him intently.
Raising an eyebrow he stared back and it was Jungkook that looked away.
Once the interview was done they walked out. Suga spoke up.
"Jimin,I'm sorry we didn't let you know what we were thinking but in our defense,we kinda like you like that it's cute."
Jimin stopped," look I'll mention this once, I'm more upset with the fact you guys have been hiding this and treating me as a kid when you all...well get up to things I didn't realise you were doing,maybe I would fit in better if I was treated the same,but you all decided that I don't need to know . I'm gonna change so you won't all get tired of me and I'll do my best to fit more into the idol image,I'm well aware my stature and looks are not what is usual but I hope you will see a difference soon,now excuse me I'm going shopping for some basics..."
He turned and walked to a car he'd arranged with the day before, while the others stared at his departing back.
"What does he mean do his best to fit in?" Jin asked
"Eh said we are tired of him? So he's a bit reclusive and lives through us so what ?" Tae said worriedly,Jimin had looked...well determined but something else too,a bit lost.
"What did you say Jungkook ?"
Jungkook went red," I was drunk and he was waiting up like my mother for gods sake I sorta let it out that it's a bit cloying...come on you al said the same how many times have we had to stop conversations in case Jimin gets embarrassed or prudish? He's older than me but I feel like the adult!"
"But it's how Jimin is look how he flirts but goes red when someone tries to make him carry on! He's adorable!" Hobi said
"I didn't know he took the comments on his looks so seriously though....." Jungkook sighed .
He told the others what he'd seen in Jimins room
and the clothes he'd thrown out.
"Maybe he's having a sort out..." Tae said
"Yer well let's monitor it now we know about it and talk naturally in front of him I don't want him to feel excluded ok?"
Everyone nodded and they got into cars going to their various homes.
"Well I feel bad..." Tae murmured as they were driven back to the dorm.
"Look we can't be babysitters he's a grown man..."
"I know your right but...well Jimin holds a lot in, I only found out he was being picked on at school by chance...he wouldn't have told me..."
Jungkook felt a bit angry hearing this.
"Who picked on him? Why didn't you tell us!"
"Calm down...Jimin didn't want anyone else to know he was being bullied,they called him fat and gay,I heard them just before they punched him in the stomach,I ran up to punch them back and he stopped me,even though he was winded said I must never step in ,it could ruin my career......."
"So you did nothing! He's only little!!"
"Of course I did something...,I put a laxative in their water bottles when they weren't looking ,boy was it fun watching them nearly shut themselves,whenever they tried it with Jimin again I loudly said that there was a stench around had they kacked themselves,they soon left him alone."
Jungkook smiled but also looked annoyed.
"Didn't Jimin do kendo and martial arts though?"
"Yes but he said it's an art form not something you use to stop bullies he was very aware that any turmoil could get him thrown out....come to think of it that's probably why he trains so hard he's always been afraid of letting his family down and not succeeding."
"Damn I feel bad opening my mouth I even said I knew he had issues with his weight,fuck I'm a shitty friend,,"
"Actually do you realise Jimin hadn't eaten with us once this week when we have been home..."
"That's cos he's eating out he's been going to the gym and practicing a lot he told us he'd already eaten?"
"But is he?"
Tae saw where the other was heading...
"Look he's gone shopping Tan will be with him as security I'll text him to let me know when Jimin is on his way back and also ask if Jimins eaten as we want to cook a meal tonight.."
"By we you mean me?"
"I can't be handsome and domesticated ...!"
"Fine I'll cook..."
An hour and a half later Jimin walked into the dorm to a delicious aroma,his empty stomach rumbled.
"Hey Jimin just in time for lunch come sit down,"
"But Tae I've ........"
"Tan said you hadn't stopped to eat so come on you must be starving!"
Damn Jimin thought as he reluctantly sat down putting his bags in the sofa.
"So what did you buy?"
He stared at Jungkook as if he'd asked a peculiar question then mumbled.
"Some loose tops and trousers they are better to mooch around in and practice ,"
"Oh goodie you can model them for us after."
"No! Er I mean you've got the model walk not me it's just T shirts and sweats."
Tae raised an eyebrow at Jimins abruptness and Jimin changed the subject ,"have you guys thought about moving out yet?"
"Oh Tae I was gonna ask how about we share we get on well?"
Jimin felt like a stone had been lodged where his heart was, he suddenly felt sick...
"No bro sorry but I'm gonna be a single home body!"
"Aw...I thought it would be fun!"
"Get Jimin to move in with you then!"
The silence that followed said it all for Jimin.. he swallowed and put a smile on his face,
"I think we know Jungkooks opinion on that,er thanks guys I've had enough gonna sort my clothes out,leave the dishes I'll wash up..."
He disappeared rapidly into his room locking the door and turning some music on to cover the sound of his being sick.........
He washed his face,the food had been great  but he was eating the minimum to get by, look wasn't his face a tiny bit slimmer?
He stared in the bathroom mirror checking his profile he didn't see how pale his face was without the make up or how tired he looked he was just glad there seemed to be some weight loss.
He sorted his clothes putting on an oversized t shirt and sweat bottoms which somehow made him look cuter than ever not that he was aware of it.
He came out to do the washing up but Jungkook was already doing it.
"I said I'd do it?"
Jungkook turned his eyes opening wide at the picture in front of him.
Jimin wore baggy grey sweats bare feet and a white t shirt that emphasised a sharp collar bone he'd never noticed before when did Jimin get so pretty or had he just never looked?
"Erm,it's ok I was here anyway,"
"Oh,right I think I'll go get my hair cut it's a bit long and shaggy..."
"You want me to drive you..." Jungkook blurted out
"What? No I'll go in my car the hairstylist said I could come in.."
"Right yeah of course..." wtf Jungkook why are you talking like this..," er have fun..."
Jimin raised a brow but nodded slipping shoes on and leaving.
Jungkook slumped against the sink,should he have told Jumin to change he was showing a fair bit of milky white soft skin.....Damn Jungkook where's your head at!!
He turned back to the dishes cleaning with more vigour.
"I thought Jimin was doing that?"
"He's gone to get his hair cut....I should have told him to change his new t shirt was slipping off his collarbone it's not his usual style.."
"Now who's being a mum? Let him be...I don't know if you've noticed but that boy has some abs to die for,maybe if he starts dressing differently he'll get laid!"
Why that annoyed Jungkook he didn't know then...,
"How do you know he has abs...?"
Tae just winked and sauntered if.
"Tae...Tae come back here,tell me....."

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