Blossoming anew

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For three days it was the same polite conversation ,visits from the others but neither of the two would push further.
Tae drove Jimin to the doctors where he was allowed to have the cast of healing had gone better than expected.
"Oh god freedom! I so want to have a proper bath and soak my arm in bubbles galore!"
"Do it then,al as I you have to do the physio the doc no getting out of the washing up anymore!"
They got back to the dorm.
There was no answer.
"Oh yeh he was doing some boxing training ..."
"I'm having a bath..."
Jimin almost ran to his bathroom pouring in bath foam and getting in.
"Aaaaah!" He moaned in delight as he slid both arms in the water.
Tae checked the fridge,he was hungry but not a good cook.
"Jimin I'm going to get some food I'll be back soon..."
Ten minutes later Tae walked out a sweating Jungkook walked in.
"I'll bring back some lunch ok?"
"Sure....wheres Jimin?"
"Bath..." Tae murmured before leaving.
Jungkook carried on walking then stopped,bath? Did that mean Tae had....Jungkook marched towards Jimin's room annoyed at the thought of Tae seeing or touching Jimin.the bathroom door was open and he went in seeing Jimin fallen asleep both arms in the water.
"Damn you idiot," he yelled startling Jimin who had only closed his eyes in pleasure but now slipped under the water at the others sudden tirade.
"You fall asleep you've soaked your cast! Why can't you take care of yourself!!"
He went to the bath lifting a wet slippery Jimin up and starting to walk out with him to the bathroom.
Jimin wriggled embarrassed at being on show.
"Kookie put me down! I wasn't asleep I'm not that dumb...and my cast is off!"
Jungkook stopped at the bed at Jimins words and slid him down until his feet touched the floor. Both stared at each other tension in their bodies. Jungkook groaned then wrapped Jimin's naked body in his arms claiming his lips passionately .
Jimin moaned in pleasure as Jungkooks hands caressed his back then his butt squeezing lightly ,putting one knee on the bed Jungkook pushed slightly so they both fell onto the soft mattress.
Both were hungrily kissing feeling the others arousal when a loud slam of the door brought them back to their senses.
Both hurriedly got up,
"Fuck!" Jungkook said feeling horny as hell, his eyes took in Jimins naked state stopping at his arousal.
Maybe we both need cold showers he said trying to laugh.
"Er yer,quick go to your room before Tae comes searching."
Sighing Jungkook hurried out going straight to his shower and turning it on cold.
"Jimin you out that bath?" Tae walked into Jimins room.
"Yer just using the loo out in a minute I'm starving.."
"Ok,where's Jungkook?"
"I don't know is he back?" Jimin said lying to his friend.
"He's probably showering,Jeon Jungkook hurry up out the food will get cold," Tae yelled as he walked back to the kitchen.
Jimin hiding in the toilet let out a little chuckle,
"Tae I love you but your timing is awful," he murmured then he went back in his bedroom and got dressed before going to the kitchen .
Jungkook followed soon after. They all sat down and started eating.
"So you got your cast off?"
"Yer...I had a proper bath to celebrate,"
"That's good...."
"Jimin remember to do the physio though to get your grip back,strengthen your arm..." Tae said in a mum kind of tone.
I know what he can grip and strengthen his arm with,Jungkook thought with a smirk.
"Jungkook why you got that creepy look on your face like hyou found something you lost?"
Because you cock blocker I nearly got something I seriously needed,before you walked in Jungkook thought before he spoke aloud.
"Er I just thought Jimin doesn't get out of the washing up anymore," Jungkook lied.
Jimin stared right at him as if he knew what dirty thoughts he had,Jungkook raised a brow in query daring Jimin to say something.
"You know me I've always been' hands on' there's nothing so big I can't handle it," a sassy Jimin said staring at Jungkook meaningfully.
Jungkook gulped,the cheeky....
"Careful what you say Jimin who knows what you'll end up with?!?!"
"Bring it on," was the double meaning reply.
"Jungkook don't create a lot of mess just because Jimin's gonna clean it up.."" Tae whined.
"My mess is his mess," Jungkook said making the small male choke and cough.
"Careful Jimin what you put in your mouth" Jungkook was enjoying this little repartee.
Gulping some air in he glared at Jungkook," I'll always put what Tae gives me in my mouth!" He retorted.
"Is it me or did that sound a bit lewd?" Tae muttered," thanks Jimin anyway,I can't cook but the takeout is always there."
Jimin nodded while Jungkook poked his tongue in his cheek jealously.
"Oh I forgot,RM rang said there was a meeting tomorrow ten o'clock."
"Probably to do with training I've held everything up because of my arm."
"It's ok Jimin," Tae and Jungkook said together.
"Jinx!" They all high fived each other.
Finishing the meal Jimin started clearing up.
"I'll help.." Jungkook said.
"No you and Tae play games or something...."
"No I haven't done that since...well for a while ." Jungkook said.
Jimin knew when he meant and turned around.
"Well now's the time to get back to normal isn't it?Tae ,jungkook wants to beat your ass at some stupid game!" Jimin yelled.
"Huh,bring it on muscle pig."
Jungkook sighed then went from the kitchen. Soon Jimin heard the shouting and cursing and smiled.
He hummed a song that had been going over and over in his head and then started singing it,he loved the words.
Jungkook suddenly became aware of the singing and stopped his loud conversation with Tae as he listened to the song' only then'.
Tae too stopped to listen to his friend sing, he'd once asked him why he loved the sad song and Jimin said it's words made him question himself, if he was so in love would he ever be able to give that love up but the more he listened to it the more he thought it was a determination to keep that love strong to not give up .
As Jimin's voice sang the last note Jungkook heard a sniff and turned to see Tae wiping away a tear.
"Damn he always gets me when he sings that."
"I don't think I've ever heard him sing it..."
"Oh he does ....strange you've never heard him."
"Does he like it that much?"
"It's a favourite, the words seem to appeal to him." He told Jungkook what Jimin had said and Jungkook nodded.
"I thought it was a breakup song when I first heard it but he's right it's more of an ,I'll hold on as long as possible, I don't want an until then to come because this love means so much...."
"Wow listen to you talking like you know what love is," Tae said and that's when it hit Jungkook....he knew because despite all that had happened, regardless of the rights or wrongs...he loved Park Jimin.

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