After after you.

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It was three days later. Jimin had got rid of the boot from his ankle but didn't walk properly , but with a limp.
Tae once he got back had taken on Jimins care...although he didn't tell him the delicious meals he brought to his room were made by Jungkook, as the maknae had told him not to mention it.
Tae for all of his alien like behaviour wasn't stupid and could see Jungkook felt regret and guilt over Jimin, also Jimin couldn't help but ask if Jungkook was eating when Tae sat with him in his room to eat.
Tae wanted to bring these two back to a place of friendship and laughter but both were so stubborn.
The group had a meeting at the company building Tae had driven Jimin there straight from the doctors.
As they got to the office Jungkook was coming from the other direction,he stopped,
"After you," he gestured
"No after you...," Jimin said halting.
Jungkook poked his tongue in his cheek,why did Jimin have to look so cute when he was trying to look adult and in charge.
"Hey move you two your holding up the queue," a loud Jin said trying to push through.
Jungkook barred his way turning angrily,
"Hey! Be careful of Jimins foot!!"
Jin stepped back under the maknae's dominating stare.
"Jimin...?my cutie what have you done?"
Jin picked the small male up much to Jimins chagrin and carried him to a comfy chair.
Tae heard Jungkooks muttered," I could have done that," and smirked to himself.
The others were clustered around Jimin asking questions and he felt embarrassed .He was waiting for a snarky comment from Jungkook but none came so he spoke up.
"It's my own fault,I got drunk and tried to handle a situation and wrongly kicked something,I have nobody to blame but myself."
RM frowned ," Jimin you should be careful when you drink,"
Jimin nodded but then...
"He was standing up for himself when some oversized Neanderthal tried it on, he kicked him to get away but he deserved a lot more!" Jungkook said forcefully.
The slightly condemning look on RM's face changed to rapid concern.
"Jimin I'm sorry...,please forgive me,he didn't hurt you did he?"
"N-no..." Jimin felt surprised but also happy that Jungkook had stood up for him.
The manager walked in at that point a big smile on his face.
"Guys..sit down I have news..."
They sat down looking expectantly at him.
"After a lot of fans and public backing ..., the government has are exempt from long term military service! Instead you will be our ambassadors in various countries, doing speeches in between shows....that is if you all agree?"
(Just remember I'm the author so can put in what I believe should of happened!!!)
Gasps and chatter came from them all.
"Won't we get backlash from those who see it as necessary," Hobi asked.
"You May of course get some negative feedback but remember others who have been exempted don't...nobody questions it.Son Heung Min,did 3 weeks basic training..."
"But he's famous and helped get a gold medal..."Jimin said.
"Believe it or guys are more famous and are recognised for advancing both the image and cultural nature of South Korea worldwide ..."
"I have a suggestion....." everyone turned at Jungkooks voice.
"Can we not complete three weeks basic training, given by military personnel in a secret location but film it?No holds barred,no favours...well except for the haircuts...I rather like my longer hair...."
The manager raised his eyebrows..." it's actually a good idea .....especially if we can prove it's all legit,maybe get some others who are in basic training to train with you?"
Nods and chattering went on,
"Ok so we agree you accept under these conditions?"
Everyone agreed and the meeting was adjourned .
"Wow,I know a lot of people have been fighting for it but never thought it would happen." RM said
"I hope there's not too much backlash...."Tae said
"Let me ask you before it goes forward...are you all happy about this?" RM said looking around at the other six.
"From a selfish point of view yes,I'm sure I can do three weeks but they wouldn't have let me do long term with my old shoulder injury and why should we be made to feel guilty when they hand out exemptions to other musicians,don't we count too?" Suga said,always one to speak his mind.
"I agree, we train hard we utilise what skills we have and continue to represent our country and not to brag but in America I've heard them say that before us KPop was in the background now they enjoy our music visit our country and a lot of it is because of us! Jin remarked.
"Good choice Jungkook at least we show we can do it,although I think we have to up our fitness before the show..." Jimin said worriedly
Jungkook actually smiled at the smaller.
"Jimin you've always worked hard so don't stress..."
"Well the news will get out there soon so let's get our narrative correct..." Rm stated.
"Over lunch?" Jungkook said hopefully
"Ok,actually come back to mine,I have a barbecue I want to try out..."
Chattering they left..., Jungkook stopped when he realised Jimin was hobbling behind.
"Hop on..," he said kneeling down.
Jimin pouted," I'm still mad at you...."
"I know but be mad in comfort,jump on."
Jimin jumped up and Jungkook held his legs in place running with him and shouting," out of the way! Let us through!" As Jimin started giggling and Tae smiled.
They were all outside at RM's busy eating and agreeing on the conversations they may need to express.two hours went by when RM's phone pinged.
"Well guys it's a go, be prepared.
They all looked nervously at each other then raised their glasses.
"To the future.." Suga said
"The future!!"
The day wore on and they became aware that they were a hot topic on the internet,some bad but mostly good.
They listened to local news and saw and heard their manager speak.
When he was questioned sarcastically about the token training the boys would do he kept calm.
"Can I ask you the media why you question them and not others? The government were quite happy for them to have complete exemption whereas the boys want to do the basics as did other ex names mentioned,we thought if it's filmed with other trainees they could show that apart from the clause on their hair they are trained the same."
"So they are more interested in their style than their training?" The reporter sniped
The manager viewing the reporters long and slightly scruffy hair answered,
"You would cut your hair for just three weeks training?"
Other reporters chuckled as they could see this reporter took no pride in his appearance.
"Can I ask if this is being done because there is a gay member in the group and the military do not like this?"
The camera panned to the speaker and Jimin gasped as he saw the tall figure of the male he'd kicked,then he realised what he'd said.
The group looked at each other Jimin stood up bowing to the others," I'm sorry,I'm so sorry..."
"Who is he ,"RM asked  while watching Jimin berate himself for bringing the group under a bad light.
Their manager suddenly looked down at his phone frowning then looking up...
"While I don't understand the relevance of your question sir I'm surprised at your boys sexuality is not important they can be who they are,times have changed and nobody should have to hide who they are...don't you agree?"
"Not really, yes we know they support people in the LGBTQ community and why not too many struggle with this hiding away...,but haven't you deliberately kept this from the public?"
"Let me ask you sir...have you?"
"Isn't it a fact you hit on a member and are annoyed at not only being turned down but also by being knocked on your ar....backside by him?"
The reporter got red and angry," that's slander,I'll sue you!"
"Surely by now all of you here know I never say something unless I have proof,would you like me to show the video?"
The manager went to turn his phone to the cameras but the reporter shook his head rapidly and left.
Murmurs ran through the room.
"Well guys thank you for your time and I look forward to seeing you soon."
The manager left and the group sat there stunned.
"What did he mean he had proof ?" Tae asked looking around then saw Jungkook slip his phone into his pocket.
"Stop right there Kook!"
"It was you wasn't it you sent him something?"
"I Erm...."
"Kookie did you?" Jimin asked
"Oh friend owns the bar I asked him to give me camera recordings of both inside and out of that night...,he did and it showed Jimin being dragged out and that asshole trying it on....I kept it in case anything came up later,it would show Jimin did no wrong...nice roundhouse kick by the way Jimin...."
Jimn stared then laughed," thank you Jungkook I didn't even think that far ahead..."
"Well you wouldn't because I was being stupid to you..,let's just say this was my way to try to make good."
Both nodded at each other then Jimin nervously stood up," I realise this isn't good for you guys and....well if it hurts the group I -I will leave."
"No fucking way....there is nothing wrong with who you are Jimin,don't let narrow minded jerks win."Suga said calmly.
Everyone rushed to hug Jimin,jungkook was the last and Jimin was prepared for a quick shoulder brush but Jungkook gave him a warm embrace hugging him close in his strong arms and never had Jimin felt so comforted .  

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