Angry embaressment

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"Aw how cute I'm gonna send this to the others!"
Jimin and Jungkook opened bleary eyes then froze .
Jimin found he was laying across Jungkooks bare chest his head tucked under Jungkooks chin,while Jungkook found he had one hand on Jimins arse and the other placed on Jimins bent leg.
He literally threw Jimin off him,cursing at Tae and ignoring the hiss of pain Jimin gave when his foot banged on the mattress.
"Tae delete that," Jungkook said in a scary voice.
"But you two look hot together,"
"Delete it now or you'll regret it I'm not having any pictures out there that make me look queer."
"Jungkook that's harsh where's your sense of fun and it's disrespectful of Jimin!,"Tae said in a very annoyed tone seeing Jimins pain filled face at Jungkooks words.
"Huh he's the one sprawled over me....!"
"Get out.." a quiet voice said.
Both looked at Jimin.

"I said get of you!" He screamed out.
Jungkook was about to argue but Tae could see Jimin was only holding on by a thread.
He grabbed Jungkook,pushing him out the room.
"What are you pushing me for..,he's the one laying on me!"
"You asshole,you just made Jimin feel like a total piece of shit,as if he is some contagious disease you don't want to catch!"
They both heard the click of the lock then quiet sobbing.
Jungkook immediately felt uneasy,
"Shouldn't we break in?"
"And what?let him know that you were only thinking of him when you threw him off you in HIS room where YOU were holding him tight  and you talk about being gay as if it's a bad thing?"
"I wasn't holding him I told you he was laying on me!"
"Oh yer? What's this then?
Tae showed him the picture and he could see he was indeed holding Jimin to him. Staring at the picture he thought how tiny Jimin looked cuddled against him.
"Damn.....I should apologise ..."

The door clicked open and a puffy faced Jimin hobbled out.
Jungkook went to pick him up.
"I'll carry you Jimin.." Tae offered.
"No.......thank you Tae....I'm going out."
"What? can't walk on that ankle!"the maknae yelled.
Jimin stared at Jungkook.
"Your not my keeper,your just someone I know by chance,who despises my life choices,so don't even try to tell me what I can or can't do..."
With that Jimin hobbled painfully to the front door and left.
"Shit....I've never seen Jimin like that before!"
Jungkook stared out the window as Jimin was escorted to a company car and driven off.
"Why were you so harsh on him?"
Jungkook didn't know ...why had he felt so flustered and yet right to find Jimin in his arms.
"I don't know....I'm angry he hurt himself and that he doesn't take care of himself....I'm angry that I'm angry....and I feel like a total jerk for speaking to him like that....he's changing but I'm used to the old Jimin,I feel like our Jimin will be changed by others I mean look what happened yesterday,it could have ended up so badly..."
Tae stared at his friend.
"Have you asked yourself why your it at Jimin or others touching him...don't you mean your Jimin not ours...the Jimin who followed you accepting any tidbits you'd give out,who fed you,always took care of you,yet you never quite let him in,who smiled even when you pushed him away at the beginning?"
"It's not like that...Jimins gay....not me"
"So now you know for a fact he's gay he suddenly gets placed on the dirty pile?"
"What no.....I just...what if fans find out ....?"
Tae stared at the confused looking maknae,
"I never thought you were that shallow a person Jungkook ,that poor boy has tried time and again to get you to like him, gave you the last banana milkshake when he really wanted it, told the manager that he didn't really want to go to the awards and that you should when he was given a ticket and me and you weren't , looked after you when you were sick even though he was bad too.
You know you even made it plain he wasn't a choice to move in with you the other day when you asked me....
He likes you Jungkook and you repay him like this...."
"But I'm not responsible for his feelings!!!"
"Maybe not but kindness costs nothing,you've made someone who is not very confident with himself feel worse......I'm going to find him...."
"He went in a car with Jiroo...."
Tae picked up his phone and called the driver
"Is he ok?where's he gone then.......but his leg will still ache wearing that! Ok thanks if you hear from him let me know,thanks..."
"Jiroo  took him to a clinic, he's got a boot on his ankle
He asked to be dropped at Han river,I'm going there"
"I'll come..."
"No not now he's in an emotional state seeing you won't help."
Tae was soon out the door and in his car.Jungkook wandered aimlessly around the dorm then walked into Jimins room he cleaned it thoroughly for him.
"Gosh Jimin, you were always a clean freak," he muttered as he hung up a pile of washing.he saw a box at the bottom of the wardrobe and telling himself he shouldn't but did anyway opened it.
Inside were loads of photos of the group with writing n the back. He looked at some,one was the group all sprawled on a bed. He remembered it well it was their early years the photo was for a shoot and he'd felt so cold as the fake room was in a warehouse which was cold.
Jimin had taken off his jacket and placed it on Jungkook disregarding the fact he wasn't wearing anything warm.
Jimin had caught a bad cold then.
Jungkook turned the photo to see what was written on it.
I helped Kookie today...he was cold so I gave him my jacket...he said my body fat must keep me warm
Jungkook gasped had he really been like that?
Another photo  showed them at an awards ceremony,Jimins jacket had split slightly when dancingIn the back of the photo it said.
Look at these glamorous men how can I compete fat body ripped the jacket,Jungkook laughed at me when he saw it.
Another photo was a selfie it was Jimin holding a cupcake with a candle.
On the back it said
Happy birthday to me,everyone has gone out I came from my shower and they have all gone.
Nobody thought I'd want to go,is this why Kookie told me to watch a movie?
Jungkook definitely remembered that,they had gone to a bar where Suga was performing anonymously as a Dj under a different name.
It was  a great night til Tae had suddenly jumped up.
"Fuck! Oh no how could we."
"Jimins not here,"
"Jimin doesn't drink that's why we hurried out when he was showering he wouldn't want to come to a bar?"
"But it's his birthday!!! And we didn't acknowledge it we are awful friends...!"
Jungkook could remember feeling annoyed that they hurried away after seeing Suga perform they had stopped at an all night convenience and bought cake and snacks hurrying back. Jimin had been doing laundry and looked surprised to see them.
His face had looked happy though so this photo was probably taken earlier. Jungkook remembered more...
"Wow I thought you had all left me and forgotten" Jimin had happily said.
"No we supported Suga,where we're you?" Jungkook had argued...Jimin had looked away mumbling,
"I would have gone but nobody told me....."
Looking back now Jungkook was ashamed of his outburst.......
He pulled out another photo this was a picture of Jimin sitting on his own after a show where he'd had a bad throat and cried on stage, Turning it over Jungkook read,
Feel so bad for not completing the song tried so hard....but even so Jungkook actually came and sang my part and put his arm around me I thought he would be mad but no.
Jungkook remembered how Jimin had kept apologising,he'd seen how distraught he was at letting the side down and had felt compelled to try and make him feel ok.
Rifling through a lot more photos he saw Jimin had been encouraged by Jungkook doing little things for him a lot became pictures of the two of the having fun on stage. Turning over one of them playing Kookliet and Jimino....he read.
Jungkook makes me feel happy
"What the fuck are you doing in my stuff,"-
Jumping up Junkook dropped the box spewing the contents all over the place. He looked up to see Jimn soaked to the skin.
"Why are you wet?"
"It's raining asshole,why are you here going through my things?" Jimin hobbled over scrambling to pick everything up,Jungkook rushed to help.
"I'm sorry,I mean it I just was hanging your clothes and cleaning a bit and...well I'm ashamed to say curiosity got the better of me..."
Both reached for the last photo but Jungkook got it first.
It was a picture of him fast asleep leaning on Jimin,turning it over he read,
You can always lean on me Kookie
Jimin was red and not only embarrassed but angry.
Jungkook stared at him then stood up.
"Jimin...I never realised what an awful friend I've been to you...I've not been kind, not given but always taken and if I've demoralised or offended you I really do apologise.You may feel embaressed I've seen these things but I'm ashamed not only of looking but of being the cause of many unhappy moments for you.
You have the kindest soul and temperament that I have ridden roughshod over....I hope you can find it in you to forgive me.
I will be me a better person I promise you....I'll leave you now but hurry and change....didn't Tae find you?"
Jimin stared at the maknae who really did look troubled by his actions.
"Tae? I went to get a walking boot fitted then sat in a park but it started raining."
"Ok....I'll text him,shower and get warm before you catch a chill."
Jungkook was almost out the room when he turned,
"About this morning, I acted rashly and I didn't think how it came across.
Don't change a thing about yourself,your beautiful as you are.....and start eating properly your getting too skinny."
He left the room leaving a confused but slightly less angry boy behind.

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